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Hi Anonymous,
There is a chance that you could have gotten pregnant during this sexual encounter. Why? Because sperm is so tiny that you cannot see it with your eye. There is no guarantee that all sperm was removed when your boyfriend wiped his penis with his shirt. It only takes one sperm to fertilize one egg for conception to happen. If you ovulated (one of your ovaries released a mature egg) within 12 to 24 hours of having sex, this increases your chance of getting pregnant.

Please have your boyfriend wear a condom, each and every time you have sex. He must put the condom at the beginning of sex and keep it on until you are done. He must use a new condom with each sexual act. And you should be using some type of birth control regularly.

Abstinence and birth control are the only ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.


April 16, 2012 - 5:33pm


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