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Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

If you took your daily birth control pill on Thursday, then it was protected intercouse that night.

Did you take your pill on Friday? Did you have intercourse on Saturday and or Sunday, when you did not have your pills to take?

If you did not have intercourse on those two days, there is no need to take an emergency contraceptive.

I realize it is now Monday, but you should take the two missed doses.

Birth control pills prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation. By missing doses, hormone levels drop and that can trigger ovulation.

Consult your gynecologist to be sure. But, I would suggest make up for the missed doses, continue to take your pills at the same time each day, and if you have intercourse, use backup protection, like a condom, for the rest of the week.


June 27, 2016 - 8:37am


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