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Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Gaph,

Thank you for your kind words

According to Parenting magazine, " in general, a woman's fertile window is the day of ovulation, (usually 12 to 16 days before the menstrual period begins) and the five days preceding it. For the average woman that occurs somewhere between days 10 and 17.

But, no woman is average and predicting ovulation can be tricky.

If you do not want to become pregnant, you must use protection.

"One way to determine your individual fertile period is to keep a record of your menstrual cycle (for eight or more months, if possible). Select your shortest cycle (say 27 days) and subtract 18 from it. The resulting number—nine—is your first potentially fertile day. Subtract 11 from your longest cycle (say 30 days) and you get 19. This marks your last potentially fertile day. So if the cycles you measured over several months were between 27 and 30 days long, you would be most fertile somewhere between days 9 and 19."


April 5, 2017 - 8:47am


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