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Acupuncture totally works for weight loss, so its great to see some studies adding 'proof' to what myself and many have known for a long time.

Acupuncture seems to work on the hormones to regulate leptin sensitivity, ie the appetite mechanism. It also helps to encourage energy and Qi circulation which then better flushes the lymph, and reduces water retention, including that in the fat cells, thus shrinking them. It also has the effect of stimulating the stomach muscles to make them more resilient to re-size the stomach after years of overeating.

I've done acupuncture for weight loss twice, which you can read about here: http://worldvitae.com/tcm-weight-loss-acupuncture/

I have no doubt that it work, particularly combined with other methods. However, as you may have guessed since I've done it twice, it can be difficult to maintain. Long-term weight loss only works with total lifestyle change and a daily commitment to keeping the weight off. Unfortunately the easy lay-on-a-table approach of acupuncture for weight loss doesn't require lifestyle commitments. It may not be sustainable, but the weight will come off with acupuncture.

June 15, 2012 - 10:46am


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