I would love to know if there are any herbal forms of birth control. I refuse to take hormonal BC, and I'm not particularly thrilled by the copper-IUD.
I know women in indigenous societies ...
If you have celiac disease or you're just sensitive to gluten, now is a good time to browse through the many substitutes available for the usual wheat, barley and rye. Not all substitutes are ...
Well Americans, our actions certainly do speak louder than words because while studies have shown that we understand soda is bad for us, half of all Americans still drink it on a daily basis.
Herbs have been used in preparations to aid sleep since ancient times in all cultures. But ever since the advent of scientific and structured medicine, it has not received the same favor with the ...
Heart disease is one of the more interesting conditions of our generation simply because there are many actions we can take proactively to help prevent heart disease from developing, or if we have ...
Hair growth and loss often give us clues that something may be out of balance in our bodies. As a young woman, I had irregular periods and developed extra facial hair that I had removed by ...
The afternoon slump — We all know it. For some of us, we usually know it’s coming. For others, it’s a foggy haze that manages to sneak up from out of nowhere.
You know the feeling — Your eyes ...
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) that goes back thousands of years. Traditional acupuncturists believe that illness occurs when the body’s vital energy cannot flow ...
If you have celiac disease or you're just sensitive to gluten, now is a good time to browse through the many substitutes available for the usual wheat, barley and rye. Not all substitutes are ...
World Vitae commented on Jody Smith's post Amaranth For Those with Celiac Disease or Gluten Sensitivity