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Hello pasntai,

Vegetables, such as turnip greens, kale, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, bok choi and collard greens, are nondairy sources of calcium. You can get your recommended dietary allowance by eating foods, such as cereals and orange juice, that are fortified with calcium. Sardines, canned salmon and tofu are other foods rich in calcium.

According to BabyHopes.com, even in the most optimum situation. there is only a 20 to 25 percent chance of conception each month.
Very few couples conceive on the first try.

Here are some tips offered:

Quit smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and taking recreational drugs

Cut down on caffeine

Get your weight in check. Healthy weight women have an easier time getting pregnant than overweight and underweight women.

Figure out your ovulation days and have sex on those days.

Mind control. Stress management techniques, such as yoga and meditation, can help in getting pregnant.

Though not scientifically proven, the missionary position with the man on top, provides the best opportunity for getting pregnant.

Avoid vaginal sprays and scented tampons, artificial lubricants and douching. These products can cause infections plus may wash away cervical mucus or create a hostile environment for sperm.

Have your husband wear boxers instead of briefs to promote a healthy sperm count.

Have sexual intercourse in the morning. Semen has the highest number of sperm in the morning.

Wishing you success in trying to conceive.


August 7, 2012 - 4:06pm


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