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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER. Thank you for reaching out to our community.

Hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough of the two hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

T 3 and T4 have an enormous impact on your health, affecting all aspects of your metabolism. They maintain the rate at which your body uses fats and carbohydrates, help control your body temperature, influence your heart rate, and help regulate the production of proteins.

Standard treatment for hypothyroidism involves daily use of the synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine (Levothroid, Synthroid, others). This oral medication restores adequate hormone levels, reversing the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Treatment with levothyroxine is usually lifelong, but because the dosage you need may change, your doctor is likely to check your TSH level every year.

Anonymous, some foods may affect your ability to absorb levothyroxine.Consuming a large amount of soy products, foods high in iron and a high fiber diet may impact absorption.

Cruciferous vegetables that are rich in fiber like broccoli, cabbage, spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts can inhibit thyroid drug absorption. Reducing the amounts of such produce in your diet may help.

Regarding blueberries, cranberries and walnut consumption, I could not find credible evidence to avoid them. Do check with your physician.


April 14, 2016 - 8:19am


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