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Muscle in the back of left leg is extremely tight making it hard to bend it. I have an appointment on Friday with my (PCP) I’m hoping she order a scan- no relief from (OTC) or RX
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Hello Anon
Thank you for writing!
While we can't say what is wrong in your case, you may have damage to your tendons. Tendinopathy is generally caused by overuse of a muscle-tendon unit. Over time, the strain on the tendon causes structural changes within the tendon itself.
Patellar tendinopathy occurs from overuse of the knee tendon. Overuse may be caused by any activity that requires:
Intense running
Frequent stops and starts
Frequent impact to the knee
Patellar tendinopathy is most common in the following sports:
Risk Factors-
Factors that increase your chance of patellar tendonopathy include:
An increase in the frequency of training
A sudden increase in the intensity of training
Changing from one sport to another
Training on a hard surface
Repeated improper movements while training
Muscle weakness or imbalance
This can also happen to people who don't exercise or take part in sports. Simple overuse or damage to the knees can be a cause.
Your scans will let you know more, as well as a physical examination by your doctor. Please keep us updated.
September 24, 2018 - 1:53pmBest,
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