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can i still be pregnant even if ive had two periods.

By Anonymous October 23, 2010 - 3:14pm
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I had sex three months ago, and I have had two periiods since. I have a period two weeks after I lost my virginity, and then another one a month later, that one was exceptionally heavy. But this month I have not. Well not yet. It was due this week but they aren't 100% regular cause I'm only 16. Do you think I could be pregnant. I am so worried because if I am I'd be like 3 months pregnant. and I've just started my a levels so I'm stressing about them too. But if I go to doctors its hard to get to them because I live in a village in countryside with no shops. I'm stressing so much. Can any of you offer me some help or advice? Thank you.

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EmpowHER Guest


My gf getting periods on 20th march but actual period date is 12, after the periods we are not having sex. Now the date is 25th April, if it is possible to getting pregnancy. We are confusing, please reply fast.

Thank you.

April 25, 2015 - 11:57am
EmpowHER Guest

Last month (March) my period was 6 days late. Then I came on and it lasted 5 days as normal. I then had unprotected see 2 days later but took the emergency contraception pill the same day. I came on my period again 6 days later but the pill has never made this happen to me before. I then came on my period for the 3rd time 13 days later (3 periods in 4 weeks) is this normal?

April 24, 2015 - 4:08pm
EmpowHER Guest

Last month (March) my period was 6 days late. Then I came on and it lasted 5 days as normal. I then had unprotected see 2 days later but took the emergency contraception pill the same day. I came on my period again 6 days later but the pill has never made this happen to me before. I then came on my period for the 3rd time 13 days later (3 periods in 4 weeks) is this normal?

April 24, 2015 - 3:52pm
EmpowHER Guest

My gf has periods after 7 days of unprotected sex and than 2 mnth later is she pregnant rply fast plz she used EC

April 23, 2015 - 8:38pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have gotten two seemingly regular periods that were pretty heavy and consisted of my usual bad cramps. In between I got my ovulation discharge and a negative pregnancy test. This month I had less ovulation discharge and seemingly less pms symptoms(so far) I've also gotten a couple lightheaded spells, I performed oral sex/got fingered but I believe we had no sperm on our hands seeing we rinsed them and I didn't know if there was sperm on them to begin with . I'm suppose to start my period in a week. What do you think? Might I be pregnant

April 23, 2015 - 3:58pm
EmpowHER Guest

I had protected sex in February 15th. I got my period March 6th. It's almost the end of April and am over two weeks late. I feel as if my period is coming, but it hasn't been. Is this normal?

April 23, 2015 - 5:42am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

This would not be normal if your menstrual cycles are normally regular.

Other factors beside pregnancy can cause your period to be late.
High stress levels to extreme weight loss can cause a delay.

You can learn more by visiting the Amenorrhea Home Page


April 23, 2015 - 9:52am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

I am normally late. It doesn't surprise me. But someone at work asked me if I was expecting. And that kinda freaked me out.

April 23, 2015 - 10:35am
EmpowHER Guest

I had "unprotected sex" on March 16th, but he didn't put it all in only the tip, then for 2 days I had really bad pains all over my stomach which fist made me think I could be pregnant, then my period was 3 days late and came on the 31st, I took 2 pregnancy tests with one on the 29th and it came up negetive, I feel like I'm more bloated as the lower part of my stomach is bigger, but I haven't been eating the best and I also have more pimples than usual and going to the toilet more and Im not sure but I could be just convincing myself im pregnant! Please help!!!!!

April 19, 2015 - 10:25pm
EmpowHER Guest

So i had protested sex in the end of February got my period 15 days later in March on the 28th day bt the thing is my periods r usually on 35th day bt its April now and its been 42 days since my last period and im worried

April 18, 2015 - 1:27pm
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