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Can you get pregnant by this?!

By March 21, 2011 - 6:48pm
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if a guy rubs his penis up and down your butt and no cum comes out and im pretty sure no pre cum comes out while you are laying down is there any chance you can be pregnant? & if you get your period three weeks later but its lighter than usual is that bad?

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Anonymous (reply to Rosa Cabrera RN)

When my husband's step mother found out she was pregnant with fraternal twins, her doctor informed her the the twins were about a week apart in gestation. So it is possible to ovulate during pregnancy, but as far as "periods" go, I would consider that to be a miscarriage, as it would include shedding the uterine lining, which would in turn discard the embryo/fetus that is already in there. There is a difference between ovulating and mustruating. My only question is, if the body releases another egg when a fertilized one has already attached itself to the uterus, and the new egg goes unfertilized, will that egg pass through and cause light bleeding? If it did, there obviously wouldn't be any kinds of clots like the ones that are associated with menstruation... the shedding of the uterine lining.

November 10, 2011 - 9:24am
EmpowHER Guest

Um. Actually. While pregnant, you DO NOT have a period. It's extra blood that your baby won't need, so it comes out like a period, but it's a different kinda color. If you paid attention you'd easily be able to see that it's just your normal blood mixed with amniotic fluid. So it's nearly clear. I'm a obstetrician.(:

June 24, 2011 - 7:39pm
EmpowHER Guest

You're kidding me right? If you don't know the answer to your own question, you're obviously too young to be messing around.

June 20, 2011 - 8:51am
EmpowHER Guest

its not just belief that our mothers or whoever had their "periods" my mother was pregnant with me, and went to the doctors because she thought she was having a miscarriage. they told her it was her period. they checked her hormones. theres a difference between PREGNANGY hormones and MENSTRUAL hormones. they figured that since she really was on her period that she couldnt possibly be pregnant. she had been pregnant for atleast a month before then, and the same thing happened durring her next 2 pregnancies. and these doctors werent just regular "stupid" doctors, they were airforce and army doctors, who dont just half-ass their way through med school.

June 20, 2011 - 3:43am

well on the upside ik my fiance wont run he and i discussed this a while back so ik i have support second there is no shame in being sexually active as long as uk the person is safe and clean and ur being smart about it. third of all if i am im excited cuz concieving for me is very hard..unlike my sister who is fertile mertle even when she was on bc and taking it regularly

June 19, 2011 - 10:40pm
EmpowHER Guest

No, you aren't prego my dear. You're just paranoid for the moment. Nothing rude, but I heard that if you don't let the guy's thing go into your private parts, then you have no chance of getting prego. Paranoia kicks in to first timers or anyone in general. Good luck.

June 19, 2011 - 7:11am

for me everything was normal then my period was too light and my flow is usually normal and im on bc not to mention moody snappish eating weird and everything else i took a test at home to see if im pregnant one came out blank the other negative is there still a chance i maybe?

June 18, 2011 - 11:00am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to carlotta.cooper3)

When I got pregnant with my first and only child I had light spotting when my period was due. It is often referred to as implantation bleeding. The blank test was probably a dud, but if ur really worried about it then go to ur Dr and ask them for a pregnancy test. I've known more people with false negatives than false positives. But paranoia is good, make sure you always use protection if you are gonna have sex. Preferably two forms, condoms and some female form we well, whether it be pill birth control, or an iud or other kind of implant. It is very important to be proactive about preventing pregnancy is you aren't ready for children. You also must recognize that no form of birth control works 100% of the time, except abstinence. And while ideal for some people in theory, it only works in practice if you can actually stick to it, which many people adults and teens alike, can't do. Also, knowing how to put on a condom is important, they won't work if you don't put it on right.

Also, be prepared for the possibility of pregnancy, talk with your sexual partner about what they would want to do if you were to become pregnant despite all efforts to the contrary. Think about how you would want to handle it. It's best to have an idea of that before it happens.

June 19, 2011 - 2:50pm
EmpowHER Guest

I like the lawyer comment. The rest of you can fight it out instead of asking a medical professional, or maybe... just maybe.. oh my god, getting a book! (yea, that will never happen).

June 17, 2011 - 12:19pm
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