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could I get pregnant this way?

By December 11, 2010 - 11:51pm
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please, I need help, I am 17 and I was dry humping with my boyfriend. I had on a thong and leggings/tights. He had on just his boxers. I could feel his penis tip pushing on me, but I had on leggings/tights and my underwear on and he had boxers. I came home, and I saw that my underwear was wet, also my leggings/tights just like 2 spots, size of a nickel. the wetness on my underwear, It looked like water, but please can I get pregnant like this? I am so worried... please help me out. I am home schooled so I have no Sex-ED.

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No, you can not become pregnant in this way. I'm glad you are asking, since you have had no sex-ed....here is a great place where you can learn about sexual education in general:
- Scarleteen: Sex Education for the Real World
- Go Ask Alice: Columbia University Health Q&A

For more information about your specific question, please review these articles: Am I Pregnant after Dry Sex, Making Out with Clothes On? and Outercourse, Dry Humping, Dry Sex and The Misconceptions of Sex.

The answers above that relate to you are: you can not get pregnant without penetration (penis into vagina), and sperm dies once it hits the fabric of clothing (if any sperm did "escape" from your boyfriend's boxers, for instance). Dry humping is actually a form of "safer sex", and it is important to be educated BEFORE you have sex. If you are thinking about having sex or "going all the way", please learn all you can at the links above, ask lots of questions, decide on what types of birth control are most effective (we can help you learn about this), and talk with your doctor, too!

December 12, 2010 - 8:09am
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