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Delayed 2nd period after taking the Morning After Pill?? (Plan B)

By Anonymous January 5, 2012 - 9:29pm
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In freak out mode at the moment..which of course doesnt help the situation!!!
Is it common for your 2nd period to be delayed after take the MAP?? Or could I be in fact pregnant.... stupid I know but Im too scared to take a test. I'm currently 4 days late for my 2nd period. Ok a little background:

My cycle length is 31 days (consistent for the past 4 or 5 months prior to this)
CD 1 - (Nov 6 - 10th) - normal period
CD 8 - unprotected sex (ejaculate inside)

CD 10 - unprotected sex (no ejaculation inside - entered for about a minute or 2) - Long story but its this encounter that Im worried about!
CD 11 - Took Plan B...pretty much 24hrs on the dot!
CD 15 - Started spotting (very light, usually only when I wiped - this continued on for 10days). Felt nauesous pretty much this whole time.
CD 19 - Pregnancy Test - negative (obviously too early to tell. Only 9 -11 days after)
CD 26 - no spotting
CD 27 - no spotting
CD 28 - 1st day of heavy flow (so by usual cycle I was 3 days early)
CD 29 - Heavy Flow
CD 30 - Medium
CD 31 - Light
CD 32 - Light

From memory my period was relatively the same as usual, maybe not as painful, but so obviously then I thought I was in the clear!!

I am now currently waiting for my 2nd period to arrive. Its now CD35 which technically makes me 4 days late. I have had sore boobs for the past 3 days but dont really feel like my period is coming...maybe a few cramps here and there.
I have started to feel nauesous today, but that could be from anxiety!!

I know simple answer...go take a pregnancy test!!! So stupid but Im too scared. So do you think its possible I could be pregnant or is common for your 2nd period to be delayed after MAP? Thanks for any advice.

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EmpowHER Guest

I had intercourse and had ipill but got my periods like for 2 days but again had intercourse and got periods but now its delayed tests are all negative i have done several times what could be the reason? I have taken pcod medicine as well before for a year!

October 16, 2017 - 10:05pm
HERWriter Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anon

If your tests are negative, you must be delayed due to having polycystic ovaries. This is quite common.

October 17, 2017 - 1:46pm

I took a plan b after unprotected sex on Aug 27. No ejaculation , 2-3 days before ovulation. I have missed my period for the whole month on September and currently waiting on my October period which should come in a few days. I have recently been spotting I have also taken multiple pregnancy tests all negative. I haven't had many pregnancy symptoms... what do y'all think?

October 9, 2017 - 8:28am
HERWriter Guide (reply to bbenavidez12)

Hello bbenavidez12

Since your tests are all negative it's very likely your period is on it's way. Plan B can be quite disruptive to the menstrual cycle, likely causing this delay.

October 9, 2017 - 1:17pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to SusanC)

Hey im freaking out here i took plan b april 1st an app told me that was my ovulation day i took it within 1 hour a week before my period i had light pink discharge when i wiped my period never came, i have taken 6 pregnancy tests one was 8 days after my pissed period the other was 19 days after my missed period i dont have any pregnancy symptoms just minor cramping , im due for my second period in 3 days but im freaking out PLEASE HELP i CANNOT BE PREGNANT , i recognize itd my fault but i had never had sex before help me pleasee

May 16, 2018 - 2:48pm
EmpowHER Guest

I took the morning after pill on the 2nd of July
After a week I spotted red blood which only lasted after I had wiped. I have gained weight rapidly and my stomach feels so big just after a week of taking the pill and usually I lose weight when I am stress but since I have also been going through so much at home am still gaining weight and my period is late until now. Iv been feeling extreme fatigue but now they have decreased! I kept having hope that my period will come but tomorrow I am going to see a doctor!

September 12, 2017 - 3:09am
EmpowHER Guest

I need help in july 12 i got period for that day only again that month 21st i got period last for 6days again on aug 1st i got period for 1 day only after that no period till date my normal periods date is 21st. But 20th i had ipill whether i am pregnant

August 25, 2017 - 10:53am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

If you have been bleeding you are not pregnant.

This is an unusual presentation of your periods and I suggest you speak with your gynecologist.


August 28, 2017 - 9:14am

I took the plan b pill on june 10 after unprotected sex. My period has been delayed to this day (july 21st). I have spotted but nothing more. My period is due 25th and im afraid i wont get it this month. If i don't should i take a preg test or should i wait more?

July 21, 2017 - 10:30pm
Guide (reply to Fabjan)

Hello Fabjan,

Plan B can cause a delay. If you do not have any bleeding within three weeks of taking it, then test and for the most accurate result, test in the morning.


July 24, 2017 - 9:45am
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