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Does washing with soap and water kill sperm on hands?

By Anonymous March 30, 2011 - 4:17pm
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My boyfriend and I engaged in manual sex. If before fingering me he had semen on his hands, I wanted to know if him washing his hands with soap and water is enough to get rid of the sperm so it can't get my pregnant. I'm not on birth control and we didn't use protection. As a precaution before manual sex aka fingering, are soap and water enough to make sure that my boyfriend has no sperm on his hands? I also gave him a handjob and he ejaculated with wet fresh semen on my hands but I went to the bathroom and washed it off with luke warm water and antibacterial soap and then dried after. After drying I urinated and washed my vagina with antibacterial soap touching it with the same hand, in order to prevent a UTI. I'm sorry I'm just really worried that I may not be pregnant so I'm freaking myself out. This event happened March 15th (11 days after my period had started) so its been over 2 weeks since then, if I take a pregnancy test will it be accurate? I don't expect my period till April 3rd

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EmpowHER Guest

Hello susan,
Me and my girlfriend were fooling around, and first before she gave me a handjob, we both use antiseptic on our hands and then we used tissue to clean the wetness, after that i touch my penis and after i touched it, i rub my hands on my jeans and touch her very outer part of her vagina and im afraid that sperms might went in, and i really stressed out right now, but i didnt feel any wet spot after i touch my penis but to make sure i just rubbed it on my jeans, that happened before ejaculation occur but im still afraid
Thankyou for your help susan
God bless you

January 11, 2016 - 4:55am

Hi please answer me, is water enough to wash my hand with sperm? i can't remember if i wash it well but after washing my hand with tap water i wash my vagina can i get pregnant? im really worried please helpp, im a vergine

January 9, 2016 - 1:26am
(reply to please help)


January 9, 2016 - 1:35am
EmpowHER Guest


So I have been quite anxious about being pregnant. My boyfriend and I (the day before my period started) were making out in his basement. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself because I had to pee. When I came out he felt me up outside my panties (and touched the skin right next to my vagina, not my vagina). I'm a little worried that if he might have like "situated" himself and gotten a little preum on his hands while I was in the bathroom. I really don't even know if he did this because I was I the bathroom and he doesn't remember if he did. Im just worried that he could have had a little bit on his hands before he felt me up. I'm pretty sure his fingers were dry, and he didn't touch my vagina, only the panties and skin NEXT TO my vagina. Is there any risk of pregnancy??

My next sinerio was the day my period ended and I gave him a handjob in the car. Immediately after I wiped off my hands with napkins and basically doused my hands in hand sanitizer. I went to the bathroom about 15-20 minutes later. If I touched my vagina while going to the bathroom, is there any risk of pregnancy? I'm pretty sure the risk is close to none, but I just wanted someone else's opinion.

Because I am always so worried about pregnancy, I think I'm going to take a step back from sexual activities for a while. Thank you for your response in advance! Hopefully it will ease my anxieties :)

December 30, 2015 - 5:38am
EmpowHER Guest

My girlfriend gave me a handjob and I came from her hands. I also remembered that I have some of it on my hands but I washed it with bottled water. I also washed my penis with bottled water as well. Maybe after a few minutes, I fingered her with the same hands that have my semen on it. I remembered it was dry, the same goes for my penis as well. I'm worried that what if she became pregnant? because I fingered her deep with it and also I put it outside of her vagina but not really inside it

December 11, 2015 - 5:26pm
EmpowHER Guest

Can a girl be pregnant if man's sperm if on stomach of girl .. ?
Nd the she washes with soap ..
Does she get pregnant if that soap water touched vagina ..??
Pls ans it m very confuse ..

November 27, 2015 - 2:24am
EmpowHER Guest

Okay, so me and my girlfriend are messing around, she is in entire full dress on with wearing panties. She just pressed and rubbed my penis with her hand and got a little bit pre-cum on her hand/finger...after it, she gave me a blowjob and she's discontinue giving me blowjob before i got ejaculated. My penis and her vagina is not directly in same position as we are in the car, me on the driver seat and she is on the beside me and the distance between my penis and her vagina is more than half a metre. After going home she told me that she was not touch her vagina area and got 4 times washed hand before going for shower. Is there any chance of she getting pregnant? I'm worried.

November 18, 2015 - 9:17pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have a question if some one masturbates during a shower and washes his hands and body after it . And a female entered after him and took a shower can some sperms survive on the the washing loaf (he didn't touch it after masturbation but he closed the water ) can a female having a shower after him get pregnant accidentaly or will soap kill all the sperms she entered after him with approximately 9 minuets please answer . Note: he used soap to wash his hands can sperms survive and can she get pregnant that way ?

October 5, 2015 - 2:12pm
EmpowHER Guest

My girlfriend and I are virgins, I ejaculated away from her and then washed it off and wiped it off, I then came back to her. There was no penetration, only slight, only the penis touching the vagina. I'm worried that there is a chance of pregnancy, what if the water and towel isn't strong enough to get rid of the semen. Baring in mind this happened four days after her she was done with her period.

August 3, 2015 - 12:21pm
EmpowHER Guest

So I performed oral sex on my partner and swallowed all of the ejaculate , washed my hands with soap and water , my boyfriend moved his penis then rinsed his hands , idk how long after he fingered me but is there any chance of pregnancy? I then gave oral sex again but I'm pretty sure I did not touch down there.

April 19, 2015 - 12:08pm
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