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Hi I had my period last month 2/9 and ended 2/14. It's now 3/18 and no period, am I pregnant?

By Anonymous March 18, 2009 - 9:58am
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Hi, I am 26 years old and am irregular with my periods. However I usually get them around the end of the month or beginning of the next. I would say within the first two weeks of the month at the latest.

Anyway, I had my last period 2/9 and ended 2/14. I had sex with my bf several times between the 14th and 20th. After that we still had sex however he would not cum inside me. However once or twice he may have accidently allowed a small amount to get in but I would urinate right after. Is it possible to push all the sperm out by urinating?

It's now 3/18 and no period. My breasts are a little sensitive, however I do not feel fatigue or cramps which I usually get before my period.

I have been stressing and so I took 3 pregnancy tests and they came back positive. Am I definately pregnant? Is it possible that it can show positive bc I am stressing and not really pregnant? How can I tell for sure?

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my last cycle was feb 28( ovulated around the 22 of march) april 4 was my next due period...it is now april 26th,had 2 neg tests but i do have signs of pregnancy( when my peiods come i dont have no signs just flow...) why isnt test showing any hcg? i am waiting for results ....what does everyone else think? I have no changes ,no stress...im stumped

April 26, 2009 - 4:56pm
(reply to Anonymous)

What signs of pregnancy are you currently having? What symptoms are you experiencing?

I am not sure why your home pregnancy tests are not showing as positive for reading the pregnancy hormone.

I believe I responded to your earlier question on another page; you are more than 50 days late for your period. Have you talked with your OB/GYN? Medical advice is indicated for a cycle that is more than 35 days.

What results are you waiting for? Did you get a blood test to check for pregnancy? When do those results come in?

I seem to remember that you wanted to be pregnant, right? If so, when did you have unprotected sex (do you remember the date(s))?

Let us know what the results say!

April 26, 2009 - 8:02pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, my period in january was 19 days long, then in february it was 7 days long being normal for me, between those dated there is a 32 day gap of having no period, it is now april and I have missed my period it is 26 days later, my last period ended on the 4th of March making this period due on the 1st of april
It is now April 26, what should I do?

April 26, 2009 - 12:12pm
(reply to Anonymous)


You should call your doctor.

A "prolonged" period is any period that lasts longer than 7 days, and in January you bled for 19 days. That is abnormal bleeding (which is common in women, but you still need to call your doctor and make an appointment. There are many causes of abnormal bleeding and irregular cycles that can only be determined by seeing your doctor)

An average menstrual cycle lasts 28-30 days, counting from the first day of one period to the first day of the next. Normal cycles can vary from 21 to 35 days. Menstrual cycles that are longer than 35 days or shorter than 21 days are abnormal.

You said there is a 26-day gap between periods, and you had a previous 32-day gap. Is this gap from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next period? (It sounded like you were saying when one period ended and when the next began; which is inaccurate to determine the "gap" or "cycle length").

Your doctor will also want to know the date of your last menstrual period---the day it began is important (not the date it ended) to know how long your cycle is.

There is an online Menstrual Flow Chart that you can print, and use it to indicate when your periods began and ended, which will be useful information for your doctor.

Let us know what your doctor says!

April 26, 2009 - 1:32pm

Hi, Anon. Let's see what we can figure out for you.

Have you ever heard of a basal thermometer? It is a thermometer that helps you know when you're ovulating and once you do it for a few months, you get used to your body's tendencies in the day or two before you ovulate, which helps you know when to have sex. It's a very helpful method when your cycles are irregular, and it costs a lot less than over-the-counter ovulation-predictor tests.

What you do is take your temperature when you just wake in the morning -- and before you get out of bed. I realize this could be difficult with a 15-month-old in the house! But your "basal" temperature -- or your "resting" temperature -- rises and falls in small amounts with the levels of hormones in your body. By knowing how to anticipate your ovulation this way, you have a better chance of conceiving.

Here's another EmpowHer thread that explains the procedure of basal body temperature charting, with some links:


If we go on your most recent cycle, here is what most likely happened. Your cycle was 24 days long:

Day 1: March 3
Probable ovulation: March 12-March 14
Day 24: March 26

Day 1 of this cycle: March 27
Probable ovulation: April 4-6
Day 24 was April 19 (Saturday)

And I assume since your post was on April 22 you haven't started yet, is that correct?

You can figure this out and have a much better chance of getting pregnant if you chart your temperature for a few months. But be sure to get a basal thermometer and not a regular one. There should also be instructions inside as to how to read it. And if you like, during the first month or two you could also use one of the OTC ovulation predictor tests at the same time, since you won't have enough charts done yet to see what your body's tendencies are.

This page has a lot of information on it and a picture of a BBT chart:


and here's a site that lets you chart online (but you still need to take and note your temperature before you get up in the morning):


One other thing you can do is become aware of the changes in your cervical mucus. It will change to a clear, almost egg-white consistency when you are beginning to ovulate. Here's a page that explains that:


Good luck to you! Please come back and update us!!

April 24, 2009 - 3:28pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hey I am trying to have my second baby. I had my son 15 months ago and ever since then I've been having irregular periods. The last time I had my period or so I thought it was a period was March 27th but before that it was March 3. I only get my period for like 1 to 2 days then I'm none till I get my next period. I want to have another baby really bad someone please help me??

April 22, 2009 - 5:05pm
EmpowHER Guest

hi new to this,
been ttc for a year after 2 miscarriages. Last m/c was dec 18 2008. periods went back to being normal. now i had a period on march 14th 2009, which was a week early. now it is april 15th and according to period last time i am 4 days overdue. i have taken tests but they have been negative. what i need to know is, would my period be a week late this month to compensate for the week early last month trying to kind of balance things out? or the other dilemma is, the tests i have been taking are too early because i wouldnt have been due on till this week? dilemma yes i know!!! HELP??? thanks ladies

Bea x

April 15, 2009 - 3:38am
(reply to Anonymous)

Late periods can be from so many different causes: pregnancy, stress, medications, and more. I doubt that your body would compensate one period being early, for a previous period being late. Each cycle is its own cycle, with the average being 28-days, although each woman can vary greatly from cycle-to-cycle. Some women are "textbook" 28-days each cycle; other women have cycles that are 26-days one time, and 31-days the next time.

A factor could also depend on when you ovulate, and since you are trying to conceive (I assume that's what ttc means), I assume you are keeping track of when you ovulate? If so, that can provide another piece to the puzzle (if you ovulate on day 14, or 18, or 11...this information can help you determine when you are most likely to begin menstruation). The average day of cycle women ovulate is day 14, so if it's "later" (say, day 18), then perhaps your period may start "later" than day 28.

If your LMP was March 14th, then it is now day 34 of your cycle, correct? According to Women's Health.Gov, "The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Cycles can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days in adults and from 21 to 45 days in young teens."

Can you call your doctor's office and ask a question over the phone to a nurse, to inquire their typical protocol regarding: "how long is too long for a missed period and negative pregnancy test, before you should see the doctor?". Are you able to do this?

Also, do you have any usual signs when you know your period is coming (breast tenderness, different emotions, spotting, cramping, etc). Have you had any of these signs?

I am sorry to hear about your miscarriages. How are you doing?

April 16, 2009 - 1:52pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Hi alison,

thankyou for your reply. It is now Thursday 23rd and still period is a no show! have made arrangements to see my doctor tomorrow, Friday 24th April to have my bloods taken. I do use ovulation kits and it did show a surge on day 15 of my cycle. Now of course everyoneis telling me, 'oo that happened to my sisters friends auntie, and she was pregnant! but test did not register pos until she was nearly 4 months gone!'

I myself cannot believe that could happen, how could such a sensitive test such as clear blue and first response be wrong? they have the ability to register a positive from 4 days before you are due on your period.

Well, I shall inform you when my results are back. Personally I think age could be a major facotr, i am 42, but have been at fertility clinic for my misses last year. All tests from that came back clear, eggs viable, fsh 14, chromosome tests fine thyroid tests fine and all the fancy named tests fine!! They told me it was just bad luck i was not keeping hold of my pregnancies.

Once again, thank you for replying, needless to say i am going out of my mind right now, but only a week to wait until i get results.

Bea x

April 24, 2009 - 3:38pm
EmpowHER Guest

my period comes the end of every month and it would cum like february 28 or 27 and go right into march and my period been going like this for a while now my period didnt come the end of march whats wrong?

March 31, 2009 - 1:48am
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