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Good Morning i have a 21 year daughter that has the unpleasant odour and no matter what deodorant even if she doesnt wear it she
still has the same problem. I want to know whats the best options you can suggest for her Please
Lynn :(
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Add a Comment2 Comments
Unfortunately, im in the same situation as you. I hope for the best
September 26, 2018 - 12:05pmThis Comment
Hi Anon and thanks for looking our for your daughter.
There are many reasons one could have body odor, including eating certain foods such as garlic that can impact how one smells. Body odor can also be a sign of an infection, disease or a metabolic disorder. Has your daughter had a well woman exam? If the body odor has been a problem for some time it would be good for her to get a physical check up, including urine and blood tests, to check her health and further examine what may be causing the odor.
Our best to both of you.
In good health,
June 4, 2018 - 3:55pmThis Comment