My child was told that she has asthma by her doctor with just a stethoscope. She was put in the hospital for three days because she was having trouble breathing. Even at the hospital they didn't do any kind of testing on her. Just the breathing treatments. Do I need to take her to a specialist just to make sure that the medicine they are giving is for the asthma or something else.
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Hi, Sandra.
Thank you for writing.
To diagnose asthma, a doctor will, typically, discuss your medical history and perform a physical exam, including listening to the lungs. There may be a need for a lung function test and other tests, such as a chest or sinus x-ray as determined by your doctor. Speak with your doctor about your concerns. If you still have doubts, seeing a specialist is an option if only to ease your mind. I hope your daughter is feeling better.
May 27, 2017 - 4:40amThis Comment