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Please let me know is it natural that my egg is not choosing any of my husband's (he is 8 mon younger to me) sperm yet or my age becoming barrier to choose them? I am going through the ovulation calendar and have exact 28 days cycle.
Please suggest if I am missing something...
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Hi...m I was told for Levothyroxine tablets 100 mg for 2 on 1st mon of medication my period delayed 1 week and in 2nd mon it was on 26th day bt lighter thn normal and I felt burning in throat etc....
August 10, 2010 - 11:08am2months after blood test, my TSH become .01..less thn normal and free T3 7.4, T4 34...above normal...doc gave me lesser dose i.e. 75 mg now....
as I shared in my previous posts tht we r planning for baby, so m bit worried now tht how my body reacting to this medication.
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Women of all ages have thyroid conditions and are able to become pregnant (if they have not reached menopause, of course).
Women of all ages also have irregular periods (anywhere between 21 to 35 day cycles!), and they are also able to become pregnant.
I have read that the most recent research says that there really is not such a thing as "too much" sex when trying to conceive. Every-other day is actually ideal, and that allows the male plenty of time to "revamp" his sperm supply and sperm quality. Most couples are too busy (and tired!) to have sex daily at any rate, so having sex as often as you are able to (and enjoy) will help you conceive faster...regardless if your cycles are now slightly irregular.
In other words: frequent, unprotected sex (regardless of the timing of your cycle) will create the best chances of conception, and take away your concern of irregular cycles. It won't be a factor, and then it is one less thing to worry about.
August 10, 2010 - 12:36pmThis Comment
dont know yet as my doc gave me tablets for 2 mon and told now for life long have to take thm :(, have to do blood test in evry 2 mon now...feeling normal as before no side good/bad effects frm medicine..doc told me tht may be thyroid cud be one of the reasons bt not sure yet.
June 1, 2010 - 5:32amThis Comment
Sorry, I know it's discouraging, but it's good that you found out. Please come back and update us when you know more, and best of luck on conceiving soon!
June 2, 2010 - 9:04amThis Comment
May 28, 2010 - 10:33amMy doc found underactive thyroid level 13.4 again, it was 7 before, so stated medication,Levothyroxine tablets 100 mg...lets see...
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Hi, Anon, it's good to hear back from you. So glad you got your thyroid checked out! How are you feeling on the medication? And does your doctor think this could be related to your menstrual & fertility irregularities?
May 31, 2010 - 12:53pmThis Comment
Thx Diane, cudnt access site in past few days...I went to my doc and she told me the same, last time she found some diff in my under active thyriod too, so this time again took my blood test,bt evrythg looks normal,will take my blood test again after 21 days of my cycle,so yes, now we have to wait for right time only.
May 26, 2010 - 8:06amThis Comment
Hey, Anon, I was offsite for myself for a few days too! But I am really happy you came back to update us. Thyroid issues can affect so many things in our bodies. I hope you'll come back and let us know what you find out from the tests on your 21st day. And hang in there -- I know the waiting can make you feel crazy. But you are still very young. It's awesome that you're seeing a doctor who can help you get to the bottom of things. Good luck!
May 27, 2010 - 8:46amThis Comment
May 17, 2010 - 2:51amThis time I had delayed on period for 5 days and thn again period started. I thought I missed my cycle but 3 times in this duration home preg test showed negative.
Should I go to doctor once as I was quite regular on my cycle before.
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Have you been stressed this month? Stress on its own is enough to delay a period for a few days. And I know that makes it even harder when you are trying to conceive.
At 33, you still have plenty of time left to have a baby. If I were you, I wouldn't worry quite as much as you are. Especially since it's very common for women to occasionally have longer cycles.
If it would make you feel better to see your doctor, by all means do that. But like Miscortes said, it quite often takes couples a year or longer to conceive. Couples are not officially "infertile" unless they have tried for a year and haven't conceived; at that point, doctors test both the man and the woman to see if there are problems.
What do you think? Does this help?
May 18, 2010 - 8:59amThis Comment