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I am trying to get pregnant but I have diverticulitis, what do I need to know?

By April 20, 2010 - 10:56pm
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I am almost 40 and I have diverticulitis, I was diagnosed after I had a miscarriage. I remember the feelings of pressure while I was pregnant with my first son and being on Iron pills. I want to have another child but I am worried about being pregnant with diverticulitis. Would I have to have a C-section or can I have a vag birth? What are my risks?

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EmpowHER Guest

I’m sorry for anyone suffering from this, especially during pregnancy:(
I’m 33 weeks pregnant under my 2nd attack during this pregnancy. Ive suffered for the past five years with flare ups about twice a year. During pregnancy pain medication nor the proper antibiotics can be used. I thought I’d be able to control my flare ups with diet and exercise and I did actually did go a full year between flare ups ! Unfortunately I believe the pregnancy hormones and lots of stress brought on my lastest flare :( I’m opting for surgery after the baby is born. I’m so tired of this pain! What a terrible disease! Not just physically painful but also mentally.

March 12, 2019 - 2:12pm
EmpowHER Guest

Just wanted to pass on what worked for me. Iwould eat the healthiest version of your favorite foods, drink 9-12 cups of water and stay away from sugar. Fast food. And processed food. Take probiotics and aloe vera drink, also try greek probiotic yogurt and invest in a Ninja to make sure you can have healthy smoothies in a jiffy. Incorporate walking in your daily life. I did all this and i feel great. I have not had a bout with diverticulitis for one year

May 31, 2016 - 4:43pm
EmpowHER Guest

I was diagnosed with diverticulitis at the age 16, I have suffered severe attacks over the years, at 20 I fell pregnant and almost immediately the complications of my incurable disease began, I experienced rigor due to a whole body infection, bleeding within the placenta, I was on bed rest at 12 weeks pregnant, until 14 weeks when I lost my baby. I strongly advise women who are ttc and have diverticulitis to request a removal of the diseased part of the bowel, I would not wish the physical pain, emotional agony and the terrifying experience I went through. This disease should not be taken lightly.

July 7, 2014 - 11:27am
EmpowHER Guest

Am 28years old and I have diverticulitis. I had no problems with my pregnancy of my first child. I am now expecting twins. You can do both c section or vaginal, but every pregnancy is different and probably better waiting till your at that cross road before deciding. All the best x

September 15, 2013 - 5:36am
EmpowHER Guest

I am 17 female & just disgnosed with diverticulosis. pretty worried about. everything t be honest with being so young..hopefully with the diet & exercise will help control it.

January 9, 2013 - 8:53am
EmpowHER Guest

my husband is 25 and just diagnosed with devirticulitis and we don't know what to do or where to start to get him better it is so weird that he has that being so young

October 1, 2012 - 4:23pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi I'm 25yrs of age, iv had diverticulitis since I was 22yrs old. I was rushed into hospital no one knowing what the problem was after 5days and heavy meds they tested for diverticulitis as it's commonly found in the elderly not a 22yr old they did not think to test me for it but it came back positive. I am now 27wks pregnant with my 2nd child (I did not have diverticulitis with my first) and I can not describe the pain I have been in the last 2months, my doctor told me if my diverticulitis is active (which I can fell it is) they will give me a c-section at 37wks if we can get that far as iv had other complications (low fluid and really low blood pressure the occasional bleeding). A vaginal birth would put to much pressure on my bowl and can cause many problems (if active) I have been told this by 3 different doctors at the hospital and my local GP. The bigger my baby gets the more pressure she puts on my bowl which is causing blood vessels to either burst or tear from the wall, which is causing most of my tummy aches. My concern now is that my tummy aches are getting really bad and i'v got them everyday, I'm not using my bowls regularly and cant find much that will help me go. I'm afraid of them bringing her out to early but at the same time I'm in agony. Any advice??

September 7, 2011 - 6:17pm

Hi Aceiatx-

I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage.

As far as the diverticulitis, this is an extremely common issue. Almost everyone who lives beyond age 60 will end up with diverticulosis. Diverticulitis is what diverticulosis is called when you are having a flare up or inflammation/infection.

Only about 10 percent of people who have diverticulosis end up with complications. It is possible that you could have a problem during pregnancy, but if you watch your diet and work carefully with your obstetrician and GI doc, there is no reason you cannot have a vaginal delivery unless you have a complication you didn't indicate in your question.

The most important way to regulate and control diverticula is with diet. High fiber is important when you are not inflamed or infected, because that keeps things moving through your digestive tract so they don't hang up in the pockets. When you are inflamed or infected, often you switch to low fiber temporarily so you don't make the inflammation worse. It is important to avoid things that bother you. That often includes foods with seeds like strawberries, popcorn, etc. These little seeds that aren't digestible can get stuck in the diverticular pockets and cause irritation.

Talk to your Ob/gyne about your situation, but unless you have a very severe case, there is no reason you cannot have a normal pregnancy. We have a recent article on diverticulosis: https://www.empowher.com/news/herarticle/2010/04/19/diverticulosis-causes-symptoms-and-treatments

Good luck!

April 21, 2010 - 7:36am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Cary Cook BSN RN)

I just have to say that the comment made by Cory the RN above stating that...
Almost everyone who lives beyond age 60 will end up with diverticulosis. Diverticulitis is what diverticulosis is called when you are having a flare up or inflammation/infection. This is not true...Divericulitis is more then just an infection or flare up of the GI if you need to google a pic of what it look like you would know for sure that it cant be possible true that almost everyone 60's and older has this condition and I know plenty of old people being a elderly caregiver. And since I also have this condition and only 28 for the last 6 yrs I know for a fact its extremely painful and wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. And not proven what really cause this condition it can be anything from stress to low fiber diets. I eat healthy and it plenty of fiberous foods and dont like seeds so I know thats not the problem with me for each person its a different case..So maybe its stress for me but in any case I have been in the hospital several times pumped full of antibotics and very strong pain med's that I take a couple times a month.. now I have to get surgery to remove the infected part of intestine for the continue painful flare ups. And now being possible preganant and having this condition I would only advise any women with this complex case of events to see her GI and OB/GYN and seek a course of action to insure the mom's health which will help insure the health of the baby. Just please go seek medical advise from a specialist in these two fields.

February 28, 2011 - 2:41am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Sorry your wrong I have diverticulosis and it diverticulitis when it flares up

January 31, 2019 - 2:44pm
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