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its getting worse day by day .it starts from the time when the first ray of light strikes the window and ends until the sun room has got plenty of both heat ,light & wind..i cant even open my eyes ,its unbearable ..i also tried meditation to avoid this struggling effects but didnt recovered yet..
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Hello and thank you for choosing EmpowHer,
My first question to you is whether you believe the cause of your headaches is the heat, light and wind. Headaches can have many causes.
It could be caused by:
--constant strain on the eyes
--allergies to plants, foods, or animals
--caffeine and alcohol
If you are experiencing migraines there are two different kinds: migraine aura and migraine without aura. Migraines with aura have symptoms prior to the headaches. These symptoms can include:
• Very severe, throbbing headache that gets worse if you try to move
• Pain can be felt on one side of the head, or sometimes both
• Aversion to bright light
• Nausea
• Vomiting
If your migraines/headaches persist I suggest you see a doctor to try and distinguish the cause and find the right treatment.
March 13, 2016 - 7:36pmBelow I have pasted a link to a HER article that talks more about migraines.
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