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I got my period again after 3 days of ending. Is this normal after having unprotected sex during my "first" period?

By February 16, 2010 - 3:22pm
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I had my period Feb 5,2010 (Friday) and had unprotected sex on Feb 6 (Saturday). He didn't cum inside of me so he'd always pull out and I took my emergency birth control pills right after we had sex. I ended my period on Feb 9 (Tuesday), then Friday (Feb 12) I got my period again. My second period lasted for about 5 days. I usually have a regular period, meaning I get my period after every 28 days. What could this mean? Is this because of the emergency birth control I took? Or is this a sign of pregnancy?

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EmpowHER Guest

Well, I had unprotEcted sex and I noticed Some Whitish stuff during sEx in my vagina. He didn't ejaculate insidE me but did so afterwards outside. Now I'm having my period again just 5 days after the first one Stopped.

December 18, 2011 - 2:06pm
EmpowHER Guest

i had my period on the 22nd of june 2011 and came off on the 29th july and now i am back on again after 4days of being off, is this normol. the period is only light/spotty. but a few days ago had had tingle boobs x x

July 3, 2011 - 4:28am
(reply to Anonymous)

Yes, it can be normal to have spotting in-between periods, if this is your question, and is called "breakthrough bleeding".

If you are experiencing more than spotting, do you typically have irregular periods? Are you using any new medication, new birth control method, or have any other symptoms?

July 3, 2011 - 3:38pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

i have regular periods always right on time this month it was 3 days early and lasted 7 days the 7 days is normal for me but 3 days after i got off i started again im not doing anything new have never took birth control its more than spoting but not heavy like a normal period also my appetite has changed alot in the last month and have been very emotional and very tired could i of had a miscarriage or something? not sure what to think this has never happened to me

April 24, 2013 - 9:48pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am experiencing almost the same thing so this has really been helpful for me. I actually started mine on the 26th and seemed to be done by the 30 so I had intercourse that day and I went to Planned Parenthood for the IUD insertion on Monday and they put me on the EC. I took the first pill on Monday and the other on Tuesday. On the 4th I had spotting and as well on the 5th its weird because it would come and go so this morning I wake up and I seem to have it again! ... Thank You though this has really given me some clarity.

February 6, 2011 - 12:17pm
EmpowHER Guest

I already got my period for this month so I am all good! :) Thank you so much for your concern! :D

March 22, 2010 - 7:23am

I just re-read your initial question, and didn't realize... are you saying that you've had a period AFTER you had sex? If so, a period means that you are not pregnant.

It is normal for women to have irregular periods, or even skip a period altogether, especially when taking emergency contraception.

Relax, and be confident knowing that you did the right thing by taking EC right after sex, and that your period is just late...or even "missing"...for one cycle. Please call your doctor if you are still worried (like I said above, if you still have not started your period at day 35...this can be completely normal and nothing to worry about, but for your peace of mind, you may want to talk with your doctor or nurse). Let us know if you need help finding a GYN.

March 14, 2010 - 6:58pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

hi my name is jessica. i had my period on the 6th of december and it stoped on the 13th to day is the 19th i noticed spoting when i wiped . me and my boy friend had sex and he had some light brown blood on his penis. just woundering whats up thnx.

December 19, 2012 - 6:09am
(reply to Alison Beaver)

Stating that having a period is an indication that someone is not pregnant is NOT correct. Yes it normally means this but without a full physical, having a period doesn't always mean that someone isn't pregnant. If you have a concern about pregnancy, you should always visit your doctor. Better be safe and totally sure. Your anxiety level will not be as high and you will know for sure. My friend had unprotected sex and the guy she had sex with did not ejaculate (he was having some trouble). Anyway, she never thought that she could be pregnant since she thought the bleeding she was experiencing was her period. She was under a lot of stress and thought her hormones were acting up. Little did she know, she was in fact experiencing an etopic pregnancy. If you aren't sure what this is, please look it up. I don't mean to frighten or scare you but I just want you to take care of yourself and visit your doctor. I almost lost my friend. She only found out at the hospital. She was admitted to the emergency room and had to get surgery since it was a life threatening situation. Many women experience different symptoms. You must take care of yourself. It could be you having your period and you're not pregnant but to be 100% sure you should visit your doctor. Asking for advice via the internet is a good tool for support but for absolute certainty, please check with your doctor. Take care.

March 21, 2010 - 1:30am

Hello Alison,

Today is March 13 (Saturday). It has been 29 days since the 1st day of my second period which happened on Feb 12. Up to now, I still haven't gotten my period. When should I expect it? My anxiety has been killing me that I took a home pregnancy test and it came out negative. Am I just being paranoid? Or is a chance of pregnancy is still out there? :/ When you said "it can take another cycle to regulate" what do you mean by that?

March 13, 2010 - 12:01pm
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