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i have gentil warts should i be worried

By Anonymous August 7, 2011 - 3:57am
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i have warts on my vagina i r am eally worried ive been given cream but im more worried that i might get cervail cancer

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The good news: the strain of virus that causes genital warts (low-risk HPV) is not typically the same strain that causes cervical cancer (high-risk HPV). There are many different strains of HPV. Please know, however, that you can be infected with several different strains of HPV (both low-risk and high-risk), and I'm sure since you said you were "given cream" that this means you have been to your Gynecologist for a medical diagnosis?

It is important to continue treatment, and see your GYN as often as is recommended (every 6-12 months), so that any cervical changes can be caught early.

What information did your GYN provide about your HPV? How often do you need to be seen for medical appointments? Were you given any additional treatment options?

August 7, 2011 - 6:18am
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