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I’m Scared and I don’t know what to do

By January 12, 2019 - 1:23pm
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Hi, I have a question to ask and I don’t know which doctor of mine I should say this to. I had mammogram done like two weeks ago and I was told they see a little assymetry. I was told I should now have breast biopsy done. I never had biopsy done and I’m not sure how such thing is done. I’m scared of the procedure and the results. I’m only 35 years old. The other problem is I have thyroid nodule, spine hemangioma’s and fibroids and this is really to much for me. I do know these are all benign. I can’t keep on getting benign things. This is to much and not right. The only female doctor I have is my GYN and the doctor who ordered the biopsy is male. I am comfortable with him but most male doctors don’t understand my concern. My concern here is as a woman with all these Benign problems something should be done to stop keep getting benign tumors. I have naturopathic doctor he is very helpful for everything and he is a male doctor to. Not every body knows this but all these benign or cancerous things are all toxicity and I will be going to him soon. He helps by giving detoxification products. Since he’s a male doctor to I don’t know how to tell him all these female concerns. I keep thinking maybe I first talk to my GYN and see how I can explain all these to my naturopathic doctor. It’s been days I’m scared I keep crying and I don’t know what to do. Please let me know what you think I can do. I really appreciate your help.

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Hello again, Melissa6666.

Even if you are embarrassed, just do the best you can to explain how you are feeling. I'm a fan of writing down what I want to say to a doctor. Try that. Read it if you have to. Or give it to the nurse before you go in to see the doctor so he can read it. Good luck with your biopsy. I have had a few in my day. It's not as bad as it seems. You can ask your GYN to explain how the biopsy will be done so you have an idea. Unless you think that will cause more anxiety. It's up to you. Before the biopsy, the nurse or doctor usually go over the procedure.


January 12, 2019 - 4:58pm
(reply to Helena)

Hi, Thanks for writing. I always write down what I want to say to my doctor, but for this reason when I write it down my problem is I prefer saying it to my naturopathic doctor because he is my main doctor in helping me with extreme things but as being a male doctor I’m still embarrassed. As writing to him usually I contact him via email. What you think I should do from here? Do you also think I should mention anything to my GYN?
When you had biopsy did they do it while having mammogram? This is my concern, my concern is complicated to understand because I have neurological issues to that’s why it’s problem for me I can’t tolerate any pain is what scares me to. I keep crying over this situation and I don’t know what to say to which doctor of mine.

January 12, 2019 - 8:58pm
Guide (reply to Melissa6666)

Hello again.

Try not to think the worst. Whether you have a mammogram during the procedure depends on the type of biopsy. Ask your GYN or whatever doctor you feel comfortable with, to take the time to go over the procedure with you.  Your doctor(s) knows the specifics of your health. They will guide you. You will be fine. 


January 13, 2019 - 7:07am
(reply to Helena)

Thanks for letting me know. I thought of something and I’m going to take care of it in person next week.
Thanks for letting me know,

January 13, 2019 - 3:51pm
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