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If in past 15 years 5 times I had documented negative TB skin test zero mm duration and redness, Does this proof I did not have TB?I was told because I came from midleast country that TB is pendemic there I have had TB before my entry to US. is it true?

By Anonymous November 22, 2011 - 10:30pm
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Hi Anon,

Welcome to EmpowHER. Having Zero MM, is most likely you do not have TB.  Immigrants who have moved from a country with a high TB rate in the past 5 years are considered positive 10MM or higher.  This is not a perfect test. Up to 20% of people infected with the bacteria that cause TB may not have a reaction on the PPD skin test, but that can be due to certain conditions that impair the immune system (cancer, recent chemotherapy, late-stage AIDS) may cause a false-negative test result. 

Here's a link that can help




November 23, 2011 - 5:11am
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