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I'm 20 and never had sex but my period is late. What could it be?

By April 22, 2010 - 12:10pm
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I've been getting my period for almost ten years and I have never been good at keep track because it came on so randomly. But it hasn't come on at all and it worries me at first I thought it was a yeast infection but I don't have symptoms. But sometimes when I wipe its white milky stuff and when I looked it up online it sad that it was something that happened before your period, that wasn't the first time it happened but I didn't know it happen before my period. But I still haven't got it. Is there something I can do to bring it on? Or a way to figure out whats wrong? I can't go to my sisters they're all younger than me and my mom is mom and it would be nerve wrecking to tell her and get her all worked up before I even know for sure whats wrong or I'm not overreacting. I'm not the skinniest person but I'm not obese either. This has never happened before. Please help.

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Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

I am 25.I always had early periods. I am virgin. Sexually inactive totally. No stress. In november I had 3 days late period and then regular early periods. my date was 18 feb expexted but till today but today 23 feb I didnt get my period. Seriously worried now. I have no pain nothing till today my hb is 11 which us good. Please guide me

February 22, 2017 - 10:08pm
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

Can suggest you talk with your gynecologist, who may want you to schedule an appointment for an exam, including blood tests to check hormone levels.


February 23, 2017 - 9:54am
EmpowHER Guest

Hey I'm 21 and I had sex with my now ex back in august of 2016. Then got my period as usual the month after and every month after. But this month (December) it is now a week late. I normally have very regular periods at most it's like 2 days but never this long. Does it have anything thing to do with how long my last period was? Last month it lasted 2 weeks when my periods are normally around 9 -10 days? I know I gained weight bc I went from a B cup to a C cup since I went back to eating college food? I'm sure I'm not pregnant but my instinct still worries if I am (when I can't be because I got my period the last few months and haven't done anything since august) I keep being told to see a doctor but I legit leave for school in less than a week and my school is across the country. So any advice on what could be wrong? help?!

December 20, 2016 - 7:57am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi my name is eliz and am 16 . Iv never had an issue with my period for for weeks now i haven't had my period and i don't know why. I also have a yeast infection and thought that was the cause for the delay but it's been 3 weeks now and am really worried. Am not going thru any stress neither am i fat. Plz help me

December 18, 2016 - 2:56pm
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Eliz,

Wait and see what happens. If you have had regular menstrual cycles, have not had unprotected sex, and you miss a period for the month, consider speaking with your pediatrician.

The menstrual cycle is regulated by a precise balance of hormones. You would want to be sure there is no hormonal imbalance.


December 19, 2016 - 10:35am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi! I'm 18 and in my first year in college. Last time I had my period on 30th september and not had it since then. I've never had sex and also my menstrual cycle is about 40-45 days. What do I do?

December 16, 2016 - 7:00am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

The changes and stress associated with beginning college are most likely the causes of the absence of your period.

Regulation of menstrual periods is controlled by a complex hormonal balance.

Likewise, the body's reaction to stress involves changes in the levels of many hormones. Because it affects hormone balance and many other processes in the body, psychological stress can also interfere with the menstrual cycle.

In fact, stress is considered to be a common cause of missed or late menstrual periods.

Anonymous, try to find ways to relax or de-stress, such engaging in a sport, listening to music, doing yoga or meditation.


December 16, 2016 - 10:01am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

why y period is for 5 to 6 days i am unmarried? every month.
is a effect of weather?

January 21, 2017 - 5:47am
EmpowHER Guest

Can you help me also this is hannah the one who text you that is late 2 weeks from her period can you help me also what to do to get my period come?pls.......

December 15, 2016 - 10:43pm

I'm 22 and never had a problem with my period up to this point! I have never had sex, but I am 3 months late! I am overweight but I working on losing it, I am in college and about to graduate, and no I'm worried about what is happening to me. I just need some advice about my situation since I haven't had to deal with this before. Please help and thank you for your time responding to me!

December 5, 2016 - 10:05pm
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