I am a trumpet player and trumpet players are known to experience both canker sores and cold sores. I have experienced canker sores in a total of four times in the past four years, once a year. The first time, it was the simple, but numerous, amounts of canker sores that appeared to only congregate around my upper lip and mostly inside the gums of my upper lip. The second time was more abrasive than the first. It chapped and opened around the sides of my mouth and appeared on both my top and bottom lips and gums. When I went to bed at night, I would wake up in the morning to have my lips physically sealed shut and unable to open unless I chose to reopen the blisters and bleed in the morning. In addition to the lips, I had fever symptoms and lightheadedness; I was also considerably malnourished as it was difficult for me to get any food past my swollen lips. I first went to the doctor, who prescribed me antibiotics and referred me to my dentist. My dentist referred me to the oral surgeon who then prescribed me antiviral medications to help with it. They then told me to schedule a biopsy if it pops up again. The third time was considerably less abrasive, but still more prominent, than the first. They scheduled and proceeded with the biopsy only to have the results come up negative. The fourth, and current, canker sores are turning more abrasive by the limit and I'm completely confused as to what is causing it. I am not allergic to silver, which is what most trumpet mouthpieces are made out of. I understand that coffee seems to cause the canker sores, with my research in herpes, so I have stayed away from coffee. But, the biopsy and the symptoms don't correlate with one another. Since I've experienced both the canker sore approach and the herpes symptoms, is there a time difference in how long the herpes virus lasts to affect the biopsy in such a way that it isn't the herpes virus, or is it just a more abrasive version of canker sores?
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Hello d12345 and thanks for your post. It sounds like you’ve been through a lot.
Cold sores and canker sores and cold sores are not the same thing. Canker sores are less serious and while they can be quite painful they are generally not a serious concern.
Cold sores, on the other hand, are a form of oral herpes, are more serious and require more treatment, such as anti-viral medications. Some dental practices are now using a laser type treatment but reports on the value of this type of treatment are mixed. Oral herpes and genital herpes come from different viruses. It is not clear what type of biopsy you may have had and you may want to seek clarification on that. While cold sores are not generally considered a life-threatening condition they can be quite harmful for anyone with an immune system disorder. It would probably be worthwhile to visit your dentist again or, if you are not satisfied with the treatment you have had so far, you may want to seek a dentist who specializes in this area and can help you be sure to continue to enjoy playing the trumpet and enjoying life.
May 31, 2018 - 4:34pmThis Comment