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My period isn't due for two weeks but my uterus is sore and I'm having cramps off and on could I be pregnant or maybe ovulating?

By Anonymous January 13, 2009 - 10:48pm
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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
There certainly can be many reasons why you may have an irregular period (stress, age, no reason at all) as they are not that uncommon. From your explanation, this only happened for one month. If the changes continue, I would make an appointment with your physician. If you are concerned about possible pregnancy, wait until you miss a period, than take a pregnancy test.

I hope this helps and keep us posted if you miss your period.

July 4, 2011 - 12:03pm
EmpowHER Guest

i was sterilized 8 yrs ago and thought i may be pregnant, my periods were 10 days and then they came.they were much lighter than usual and lasted for 3 days then when they finished i had clear and slightly bloody discharge. do u think there is still a possibility of being pregnant or another explination. im usually very regular

July 4, 2011 - 11:53am
EmpowHER Guest

I believe I ovulated on Thursday the 23rd based on calendar and had slight ovulation pain on my right side. I had unprotected sex and yesterday and today (27th & 28th) I have been having cramps low in my uterus area. My period is due on the 10th of July, why would I still be cramping? Thank you!

June 28, 2011 - 3:47pm
EmpowHER Guest

My peiod was only 4 days and not very heavy. My period usually last 8 days and extremely heavy. Right now I'm having abdominal pain a week after i had my period.

June 24, 2011 - 8:03am
EmpowHER Guest

My period isn't due for another 2 weeks but i'm having severe cramping. My last period was 6-11 and I had unprotected sex on 6-20 and he came in me. Could I be pregnant?

June 24, 2011 - 12:12am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Everyone,

The first day of my last period was June 4, 2011. I had intercourse with my boyfriend the week of June 14- 20th. On the 18th and the 19th he ejaculated. Are the odds of pregnancy high, as we have been wanting to concieve, my period is due July 3, I'm not looking forward to the 2 week wait. Are my chances of success good this month?

June 23, 2011 - 12:36pm
EmpowHER Guest

Ok. so I am 23 years old and my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for about 5 months now but I have irregular periods. This month my perois ended on June 4th and I started ovulating on June 13. We had sex on the 12 and the 13 and its is now June 17 and i am having some brownish discharge, which I have never had before even with my irregular periods. My period still isnt due untill June 30-July 1. What do you think this could be? Could I be pregnant or could this just be another case of irregular periods?

June 17, 2011 - 2:11pm
EmpowHER Guest

I am the same anon from above. I forgot to add that my breasts have also been sore and I have had occasional nausea. Is there any chance I could be pregnant even though I am a virgin and have made no genital-to-genital contact?

June 17, 2011 - 1:09am
EmpowHER Guest

Hello everyone I have a slight problem, I think. I have never had sex before, although I do have oral sex occasionally. For the past week and a half I have been experiencing on and off cramping in my pelvic area, bloating, fatigue, headaches, and have been moody. All symptoms of PMS, right? I normally don't experience these symptoms so early from my period (my last period was around May 17th, I think. My periods are never regular seeing as how I am only 17). I just find it weird that this is happening especially the cramps before my period - I don't recall me ever experiencing those. Once again, I have never had sex, but could it be possible that I could be pregnant from oral? His penis was never near my vagina and he never came anywhere near it,but I am simply just curious as this has never happened to me before. Thank you. :)

June 16, 2011 - 11:17pm

It could also be a sign of fibroids, especially if you are feeling the pain spread out across your lower back. More symptoms: http://www.womentowomen.com/hysterectomyandalternatives/fibroids.aspx

Ovulation feels more like a pinching sensation and usually lasts only a few moments. Hope that helps!

June 9, 2011 - 4:56pm
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