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Painful and itchy nipple

By Anonymous April 7, 2020 - 6:54pm
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about 3-4 weeks ago I noticed my left nipple was super sensitive especially with my shirt on. When I looked I thought I saw a couple of tiny red dots. went I went to bed that side of my breast felt achy and I put a heat pad on it. A day or two later I was fine. Yesterday I started getting the same sensation and discomfort and I see my small red dot right in the center of my nipple. the first side I was uncomfortable sleeping on that side. I do not notice anything else visually.

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing!

Since this has happened with a month long gap in between, there may be some correlation with your menstrual cycle. Breast and nipple pain that occurs monthly is called mastalgia. Hormones cause this discomfort.

Your bleeding may be due to scratching, even in your sleep when you don't realize it.

However, there is also a possibility that you may have an infection. Are you seeing any other kind of discharge? Is there heat emanating from your nipple?

We look forward to this hearing back from you!

April 8, 2020 - 11:48am
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