Dear Maam/Sir,
This time the problem is related to piles which is related to me. I was suffering piles since last two years. This April I had gone through lap. surgey & i was feeling ok. One night i had taken little bit more spicy food (Chiken) , so next day morning a little blood has come out during my toilet.its colour is like coffee color. please advise me whether again i am suffering from piles? Is there any permanent remedy of cureing this piles? Please let me know. Thank You
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I assume "piles" is also hemorrhoids?
If so, it does not sound like you have the symptoms of a hemorrhoid, although we are obviously unable to diagnose you from the computer!
Since you have experienced hemorrhoids previously, are you having any of the same symptoms as before? Any other symptoms other than dark coffee-colored blood one night?
Typically, since the hemorrhoids are on the outside, or near the outside, of your body, the blood you may see from a hemorrhoid is usually bright red (the darker the color of blood is usually an indicator that it has been "around" for awhile, and thus, is from deeper within your body). You mentioned that the blood you noticed was more coffee color, and you also did not mention any other hemorrhoids-related symptoms, which include:
* Anal itching and burning
* Swelling and pain during bowel movements
* Sensitive lumps of various sizes around the anus
You mentioned you recently had lapo-surgery, and I would recommend calling your doctor to discuss your symptoms.
October 20, 2009 - 1:37pmThis Comment