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possible ms

By July 16, 2009 - 6:00pm
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Have had a brain mri that found 3-4 lessions and a lot of sysmptoms, just had 2 more mri's of spine and neck. My neurologist is highly suspicious of ms and is thinking of doing lumbar puncture depending on these findings. When should you start the injections for ms???

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awaiting results of the neck and spine mri also...

July 16, 2009 - 8:02pm

The doctor is highly suspscious of ms, but it could be in a inactive stage right now...

July 16, 2009 - 8:01pm

We're going to present your question to our medical specialists.

Meanwhile, have you asked your neurologist this question? Your own doctor should be able to provide answers to all your questions regarding your condition.

Here's some information on EmpowHer that may be of help to you in understanding multiple sclerosis:

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
Kathy Shares Her Story
Results of the Clarity Trial
Living with Multiple Sclerosis

I hope your treatment goes well. Please do let us know how you're doing.

July 16, 2009 - 7:07pm
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