What are the latest non-surgical & surgical remedies? I read about something called Esophyx in your January '09 issue.
8 years ago, I was diagnosed with hiatal hernia & diverticulosis. For 7 years, I have been taking Prevacid-my orescription med.
What caught my attention was the day I tried Pilates for the first time. This is known to be a mild exercise.
While I was doing an exercise that required laying on my back, I felt nauseau and faint. This is one of the first times
Weeks later I joined a restorative yoga class. Even though I received personal attention from the instructor, the same horrible feelings of nausea and faint returned.
This 2nd experience confirms to me that I have certain physical limitations because of this hiatus hernia. Apparently, I must keep my stomach below my head when doing any exercise in order to avoid feelings of nausea and faint.
In the last 6 weeks, I started physical therapy exerises to strengthen my abdominal, back and shouler muscles.
Even though there have been some noticeable benefits, my physical therapist was limited in what exercises she could offer me. While doing some of the prescribed exercises at home, these same feelings of nausea and faint reoccurred; and I
stopped doing those paricular exercises.
After both the pilates class and the yoga class, others remarked how pale I looked. I needed to sit on the floor, my
back against a wall, knees bent for 30 to 40 minutes each time.
Another concern of my is the long term affects of my prescription meds - Prevacid. I'm not sure if this was meant only
for short time use or if any studies have been done regarding long term use.
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