Hello my name is Sabreana and I just turned 22 in July. I have been experiencing stomach problems since August of last year maybe even before that, it started out with sharp dull pains in my stomach and bloating. I have felt a lump in my stomach but me being me thought I was just being crazy. It did freak me out but I ignored it ever since. These passed two months I have missed my period (which has never ever happened only when I was preggo obviously) so I thought I was pregnant, I instantly felt tired, out of energy, and started urinating not just frequently.. ALOT. I took test after test for a month straight and all came out negative, went to the hospital and came out negative. Dr gave me some pain meds and sent me on my way (I didn't take them because I knew something was wrong). I stayed away for so long because I wasn't insured and I kept trying to convince myself I'm crazy. I try to talk to my spouse and he just doesn't listen.. Says I'm just "lazy". I've gone to the Dr recently again this time for abdominal pain and the Dr told me I need to see an OB and it might be dairy or food that is causing These symptoms. I told her "so food is causing me to sleep a lot, feel weak, and pee ALOT??" She looked at me like I was dumb. I can't talk to no one so maybe you guys can help me? I will be scheduling an appt w/ an OB this week and hopefully get some answers but something isn't right. My weight (since I gave birth) has always stayed between 180-185 never over!!! And I now weight 200??? My belly swells up like I'm pregnant! I have told siblings and friends I now weight 200 and they say "where does it go?!" And I'm wondering the same thing! I don't want to think the worst but I also don't want to keep putting this off.. Can anyone ease my mind out there so I don't jump to conclusions!? I can't get through the day without taking at least 2 3-4hr naps even after a full nights rest! I fight with myself to get up.. I don't stress I'm not depressed, just worried. I also have ovarian cysts and have had HPV (Dr said it cleared up after I gave birth) and I haven't checked on my cysts since I was diagnosed about a year or so ago... Anything helps.
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Hello and welcome to EmpowHer,
I'm so sorry to hear that these doctors that not given you any solutions. It breaks my heart. A few possible causes come to mind from hearing your symptoms.
--Endometriosis. It can cause unexplainable weight gain and bladder problems. Please read more about this condition at the link below.
--Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is another possible cause. Read more at the link below.
--Celiac disease: https://www.empowher.com/celiac-disease/content/celiac-disease-managed-diet-restrictions
(Please disregard that it only talks about children. Everything about Celiac disease pertains to adults as well.)
Suggest that you be tested for each other these conditions, since they reflect your symptoms.
August 27, 2016 - 11:54amI hope that helps a little. please let me know if you have more questions.
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