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Tubes are tied but still concerned I could be pregnant. Period is MIA.

By Anonymous March 31, 2009 - 10:43am
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Hello and thank you in advance to all who try to help =)

I had my tubes tied after my last pregnancy (17 months ago) and since then I have not paid much attention to what day of the month my period starts. I do know I had my period in February (my guess is I started on the 14th or 21st - it was a Sat. and towards the later part of the month) and it's now going on April and I have not had a period. I know it's very unlikely that I could get pregnant after having my tubes tied BUT I conceived my three boys extremely easily. I'm just a fertile mertile ;) So, I do not doubt my bodies ability to get pregnant. I did take a pregnancy test last thursday (March 26) and it was negative. I don't currently have health insurance, if I did I would just make an appt to see my Doctor. What are your thoughts? Think I could be pregnant? FYI my periods are never late. If anything they come early and they last abour 7-8 days (ugh!!).

~ K

P.S. If I were indeed pregnant would I get a positive pregnancy test if it was an ectopic pregnancy?

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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Any doctor that i have talked to says that anytime a woman has ended up pregnant after a tubal they was praying for it. God can do anything just remember that and i also am praying for one after a tubal. I will start praying for you also.

November 9, 2014 - 7:06am
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I will pray for you. We are praying too. I just came to know the Lord 3 years ago, I had 4 kids and had my tubes tied, not wanting to raise anymore kids on my own. God sent my kids and I the best father and husband ever, he has no kids of his own but has taken mine on as if he was always here. One of my twins prays every night at dinner that we will have a baby sister for him and the rest of us have been praying too. God bless you and your family! All things are possible with God!

December 22, 2014 - 6:29pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you.. I will pray for you also.. Just hoping for a miracle and plan on taking a test today. Ill keep you updated with the results or if I start. I just know I start on time usually first thing when I wake up and use the bathroom. Here I am a few weeks or so late and not sure what to think except please let it be true. Don't want to replace my lil girl but am longing for another chance. I have an 8 year old boy a 6 year old girl and almost 4 year old boy so imagine my feelings when I lost my 4th child. :( But to all you ladies who are hoping for the same as me. I wish you all the best of luck .. Fingers crossed

November 9, 2014 - 10:52am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi. I had my second baby girl 4 months ago via c-section and had my tubes tied at the same time. I got my period at 6 weeks postpartum. I've had 3 so far 5 weeks apart on the nose. I'm now 8 days late for my period this month. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Not really sure what's going on. The only reason my period has even been late was because I was pregnant. I've never even been late due to stress. I would appreciate any advice I could get. Thank you in advance.

November 1, 2014 - 7:55pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hello - I got pregnant in with my 2nd daughter in December 2012, and had her at the end of August 2013. I had a period in the middle of October 2013 (first one since childbirth), and then discovered the next month (November 2013) that I was pregnant again with my 3rd daughter. I had her at the end of July this year, and then had my tubes tied at the end of August. I was just over 4 weeks post partum when I had the surgery so I hadnt had a period yet. I had my first period since childbirth at the beginning of September, and then I had another one 2-3 weeks later. The first one was normal. The second one was kind of odd, it started off really light and then the second day was SUPER heavy, with kind of big clots, but not bigger than a golf ball. It was not painful, just really heavy. The rest of the period was somewhat normal. I have always had relatively light to moderate periods, and they were always spot on 28 days apart. If not, then it was either a day late or a day early. They were very regular. Based on the second period I had in September, I should have started again on October 23rd. So Im now 6 days late. I took a pregnancy test 4 days ago and it was negative. So if its not pregnancy, and if getting your tubes tied doesnt affect your cycle, could it just be because I had a baby 3 months ago and my hormones still arent balanced yet? Or could it be that I have been pregnant for practically 2 years lol....I am going on 29 years old. When do periods typically start changing? Thanks you so much for your help, and sorry for the long post!:)

October 29, 2014 - 5:55am
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Its is normal not to have one after your tubes have just been tied or a couple weeks after mine did that I was VERY CONCERNED so I call my dr an he said it will take a couple months for your body to get regular with tour tubal

November 3, 2014 - 10:22pm
EmpowHER Guest

I'm 38 yrs old, had my tubes tied 15 yrs ago and always have had normal cycles ever since then, until now, I'm going on 2 months without a period, I'm worried. I'm not sure at what age to expect minapause or could I be pregnant, I have been feeling tired and weak lately, I don't want another baby I have a 19 and 15 yr old now, so could there be a different reason behind my period stopping?

October 26, 2014 - 2:13pm
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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi there... im wondering if you have found anything out? Im 39, had the tubal 11 years ago. ... ive missed a period, goin on missing my second period. Im always afraid of something serious when goin to the docs. ...if youve found anything out please let me know. This mess is buggin me out :-\
Thank you!

November 8, 2014 - 3:33am
EmpowHER Guest

Lately thibgs have gotten worse i been feeling really sick moody and emotional like I've said before my tubes are tied i had my period this month it lasted like 3or4 days it median flow then 2 days after i got off i spotted for like 60 seconds like right now i feel really sick...

October 25, 2014 - 10:19pm
EmpowHER Guest

I had my tubes tied 13 months ago already had my period this month of October 14 2014 and i spotted this morning why? I've been really tired can some one help me understand what's going on

October 23, 2014 - 9:19am
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