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what is the cause?

By June 14, 2009 - 8:52pm
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My friend is a retired doctor,after speaking with her about my sudden symtoms, she said it sounds like you might have diverticulitis and to go to my doctor tomarrow.

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Hello there!

Thank you so much for visiting the website and for posting your question here. I have been diagnosed with diverticulosis, which I realize is not the same as diverticulitis but they do share some things in common. Would you mind posting again with what some of your symptoms are? I'm glad you are going to your physician tomorrow.

As for the cause of it, what I've heard and read over and over from talking to people with it and also seeing articles in books, websites, etc., is that a low-fiber diet is usually the chief cause.

I hope your visit goes well tomorrow, and I look forward to hearing from you again. Best in health, Michelle

June 14, 2009 - 10:50pm
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