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What side effects are there after the removal of just your uvula, which is elongated?

By Anonymous December 28, 2011 - 9:09pm
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My uvula is extremely long and you are not able to see the tip of the uvula because it goes down my throat and sometimes it is swollen also. If I have it removed with a laser, what are the side effects down the road?

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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anon,

Welcome to EmpowHER.  Not everyone but some patients may experience a side effect of a chronic sensation of excess phlegm, globus, and dryness. The uvula has salivary glands and does help distribute saliva in the pharynx (like a windshield wiper). In order to minimize this potential side effect, a conservative amount of the uvula is removed.



December 29, 2011 - 5:17am
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