My friend has been sick for the past year, coughing, chest pains, the typical cold and flue symptoms, very very tired, and totally out of it, at first I thought she may have Hep, but being in the dental field, we were immunized for it,she finally went to the doctors 2 months ago, and they took a chest x-ray, she was told she had walking pnemonia and she one course of one brand of antibiotic, and a different kind, her symptoms were improved but they returned, she went back for another chest x-ray and the doctor told her she has scars from TB showing up on her lungs, and he wants her to see the specialist. I asked her if she had the TB skin test yet, she said doctor said that was not needed, I told her did the doctor say she was contagious because she has been coughing and having nite sweats and not being able to breath and a constant flu symptoms and she said no she doesn't have TB. Is this true, you don't need a TB skin test and when do you become contagious?
Thank you
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If a xray confirms TB then no you dont need a skin test. Contagious only when TB is in the "Active" stage. Going to a pulmonary specialist is absolutely what she needs to do. If she has active TB she needs to start on the TB drugs which unfortunately you have to take for 6 months.
January 3, 2010 - 4:34amThis Comment
Dear kprda 1980,
Thank you so much for your post! It sounds like alison b has done a great job addressing your question and also giving you some outside resources. Please let us know how things progress with you and your friend. Thanks for sharing with all of us at EmpowHer--you will help change the lives of so many women by posting! This is all about women helping women, like you are trying to help your friend! Best in health, Michelle
August 3, 2008 - 10:45pmThis Comment
Whenever there is a question regarding communicable diseases, I consult the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) website.
According to the CDC Questions and Answers about TB, 2007, there is a latent TB infection and active TB disease.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis that usually attack the lungs. But, people with the latent TB infection cannot spread TB to others. However, some people with latent TB infection can develop active TB disease.
(Your concern is valid, however, regarding her being possibly contagious, as TB is spread through the air from one person to another. "The bacteria are put into the air when a person with active TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs or sneezes. People nearby may breathe in these bacteria and become infected".
You mentioned that she took some antibiotics, and if she does indeed have the latent TB infection as her doctor diagnosed from the chest x-ray, this can help prevent the TB infection from developing into TB disease, according to the CDC.
Here is some more information from the CDC regarding the TB skin test and blood test that you asked about:
I would be interested in hearing about what her specialist says about her specific condition!
August 3, 2008 - 1:40pmThis Comment
Hi Alison:
I thank you for the great information and yes I will keep you posted.
August 4, 2008 - 7:59amThis Comment