When I was 10 years old I got chickenpox. I had never had chicken pox be for. Of had the vaccine. I did't no how I got chickenpox. No one at home has chickenpox right now, and I don't think there is someone else in my class at school that has chickenpox. So I don't no how I have chicken pox right now. On the first day with chicken pox I all ready had about 10 spots on my whole body. I had all ready starting to feel a little itchy. The next day ( day 2 with chickenpox) I am very itchy. I woke up with about 30 more spots then I had on day 1. By lunch time I had about 50 spots on my whole body and I was supper itchy that I just wanted to rip the oven mitts off my hands and start scratching like scrazey. Instead of taking off the oven mitts my mom put calamine lotion on my whole body to help me be less itchy. The calamine lotion only worked for about an hour because I was very itchy again. SO my mom gave me a calamine lotion message on my back, both arms and legs, neck, belly/ chest and both feet. My mom did that 2 more times be for I went to bed. I did't wake up at all that night In till I woke up the next morning. I work up with half thee amount of spots I had yesterday cruted over and will fall off by the end of the day. By the time the wek was over I was able to go back to school with no scares.
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Hi, Anon!
Thanks for sharing your story about Chicken Pox! It's definitely not a pleasant thing to go through!
December 17, 2016 - 6:04amHelena
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