Everyone wants long, beautiful and glorious lashes. People mainly want it because it makes their eyes pop or it highlights their eyes. However most people tend to forget that eyelashes actually play a very important role. It safeguards our eyes from any dirt, pollution or debris. Without our eyelashes our eyes would be constantly inflamed or irritated. This is why when people talk about their eyelashes falling out we must all stop looking at it as a problem that stems from sheer vanity. Eyelash loss can actually be detrimental to our eyes.
Why are my Lashes Falling out?
As a rule, eyelashes actually do fall out. A single eyelash usually has a lifespan of sixty to ninety days. It falls out to make way for new lashes to grow. However this natural schedule can be interrupted by the following factors.
1. Age. As was mentioned before, eyelashes usually have a limited lifespan and follow a schedule. However as we get older this whole process slows down and some of our eyelash follicles even stop growing new hair entirely. Also, eyelash mites are more common in people that are 60 years old or older. In fact it occurs in about 80% of the persons around that age. Eyelash loss may also be common in women that are going through their menopausal stage as the body slowly lessens its estrogen production at this time.
2. Improper care. We all have small habits that we don't realize negatively affect us. For example constant eye rubbing can result to eyelash loss. This is also in relation to eye makeup removal. If you are too harsh when it comes to wiping your mascara away, chances are you are damaging your eyelashes. Also, never forget to remove your mascara before going to sleep. Failure to do this can result to brittle and damaged eyelashes.
How do I Make Them Grow Back Faster?
Now that we have discussed the two most common reasons for eyelash loss, it is now the perfect time to learn how to start properly caring for eyelashes. You can make them grow back faster with the use of either eyelash enhancers or castor oil.
Lash enhancers can be pretty expensive considering some of them can cost you anywhere upward of a hundred dollars. But they are a sure fire way for you to grow back your eyelashes. These usually contain peptides and hyaluronic acids that help nourish and moisturizer eyelashes. Lash enhancers work not only by lengthening your lashes but also by making the hair that grows back even darker which can give you the look of even thicker eyelashes. However some people have expressed concern about these products, as there have been reports of negative side effects. If you are wary and want to be on the more safe side, there are eyelash enhancers nowadays that are made from purely organic materials and herbal extracts.
Castor oil has always been a popular way to get longer eyelashes since it contains Vitamin E and fatty acids.This is a great alternative to eyelash enhancers considering how much cheaper this one is. If you want, you can create your own eyelash serum using a mix of different natural oils. You can add olive oil, vitamin E oil and even coconut oil. Always remember to buy only organic oils that have no preservatives or fragrance. A downside to this one is the fact that it takes so long to show results as compared to eyelash enhancers. But it is way cheaper than eyelash enhancers so if you're on a budget and you're a little bit on the more patient side, then you should definitely go for this.
If you're getting a little bit antsy while waiting for results to show and you want instant results then you can consider getting eyelash extensions to instantly get the look of long eyelashes.
Eyelash loss is a common occurrence that can be easily remedied with the right tools. Our advice however would be to take care of your lashes now that they are healthy. If it is possible that your avoid lash fallout, then that is even better. That way you never expose your eyes to any of the risks mentioned above. Prevention is still key after all.
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