Had my fourth baby at 46 what an amazing time we are all having Madison is now 18 months old I'm so glad we did it, your as young as your body is telling you , do-not be put off by what other people say age is just a number.
If I had listen some of the people out there I would not have had the love and wonderful daughter that I have now. Health care is better women are looking after themselves better and living longer, so go for it. We are trying for a little brother or sister.
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Add a Comment1 Comments
Thanks for sharing. Great to hear that you're healthy, happy, and so positive. Although I agree that age is just a number, since health is so important when considering pregnancy and motherhood, it's always best to see a doctor before conceiving.
All the best to you and your family,
May 29, 2012 - 7:09amThis Comment