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Anal Fissure Symptoms & Diagnosis


Symptoms of an anal fissure are similar to those of other more serious conditions. Therefore, you should see a doctor if you have these symptoms.

  • Pain during and after a bowel movement
  • Burning sensation during a bowel movement
  • Bleeding with bowel movements
  • Bright red blood either on the toilet tissue or in the bowl
  • Itching of the anus
  • Small amount of mucus on the stool


The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. There will be a physical exam as well. The anal area will also be examined, which involves the following:

  • The doctor will hold the buttocks apart. This will usually turns the anus outward enough for tears to become visible.
  • If fissures have persisted for three months or more, additional changes may be seen. These changes may include a sentinel tag or "pile," granulation tissue, or white discoloration from scar tissue around the fissure.
  • If pain permits, the doctor may perform:
    • Digital rectal exam—doctor inserts a lubricated finger into the anus and feels for lumps or abnormalities
    • Anoscopy—a tool is inserted in the anus to allow the doctor to examine the anal canal

Fissures usually occur in predictable locations around the anus. If there are multiple cuts, or a cut in an unusual location, the doctor may order additional tests to look for other conditions.

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