Encylopedia entry for Stimulants.
Stimulants by ]]>Karen Schroeder Kassel, MS, RD, MEd]]>
Encylopedia entry for Alcohol and Illicit Drug Abuse: Do You Know the Warning Signs?.
Alcohol and Illicit Drug Abuse: Do You Know the Warning Signs? Adapted from the Substan
Encylopedia entry for Assessing the risks of employee drug use.
Assessing the risks of employee drug use Adapted from the Substance Abuse and Mental He
Encylopedia entry for Drug testing in the workplace.
Drug testing in the workplace Adapted from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Servic
Encylopedia entry for Marijuana: Is It a Gateway Drug?.
Marijuana: Is It a Gateway Drug? by Skye Schulte, MS, MPH
Encylopedia entry for Observing, Not Admitting, Patients with Cocaine-Related Chest Pain.
Observing, Not Admitting, Patients with Cocaine-Related Chest Pain by
Encylopedia entry for D.A.R.E. Curriculum Alone Shows Little Effect; Expanded D.A.R.E. Plus Program Shows Promise.
D.A.R.E. Curriculum Alone Shows Little Effect; Expanded D.A.R.E.
Encylopedia entry for Drug Addiction Center.
Drug Addiction Center
Encylopedia entry for Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction.
Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction(Drug Dependence)
Encylopedia entry for The Science of Addiction.
The Science of Addiction by ]]>Elaine Gottlieb]]>
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