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Nystagmus Treatments


Talk with your doctor about the best treatment plan for you. Removal of the cause of nystagmus can sometimes eliminate the problem, for example discontinuing a medication or stopping alcohol or drug use. However, nystagmus often is a permanent condition that can only be reduced and not eliminated. Treatment options to reduce nystagmus and improve vision as a result include the following:

  • Prisms, tints, eyeglasses, or contact lenses
  • Adopting a particular angle of vision where the nystagmus is reduced (eg, holding the head in a certain position)
  • Vibratory stimulation of the face and neck
  • Certain medications for certain types of nystagmus, including botox (botulinum toxin) injections to relax the eye muscles
  • Surgery on the eye muscles

Low-vision aids can often help improve vision. They may include large print or high contrast materials, good lighting, and magnifying devices.

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