Treatment depends on the presence and type of hormones being secreted. It is not uncommon for these treatment options to be used in combination. Talk with your doctor about the best plan for you.
Treatment options include:
Surgery is often done to remove the tumor. The pituitary gland may be damaged during surgery. This can be treated with medications. They will replace certain hormones produced by the pituitary.
Medications can control symptoms and sometimes shrink the tumor. They can block hormone secretion Medications may include:
- Dopamine agnoists 9eg bromocriptine
- Octreotide
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy involves the use of radiation to kill tumor cells. The types of radiation therapy used to treat pituitary adenomas include:
- Conventional therapy—radiation is directed at the pituitary from a source outside the body
- Stereotactic radiosurgery—an intense radiation beam is targeted directly at the tumor
- Proton beam radiotherapy—a beam of protons (positively charged particles) is directly focused on the tumor