Depression is a mental illness characterized by feelings of profound sadness and lack of interest in enjoyable activities. Depression is a persistent low mood that interferes with the ability to function and appreciate life. The range of symptoms may be both physical and emotional and can last for weeks, months or years. Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD generally occurs from October through March and the symptoms generally mimic those of generalized depression. However, the condition may also include characteristic symptoms of what NAMI calls “recurrent winter depression” and includes food cravings, weight gain, fatigue and oversleeping.
Symptoms for holiday blues are milder and temporary and generally triggered by money worries, thoughts of loved ones in distance locations, thoughts of loved ones who have passed or even illness.
The below links will provide some guidance for symptoms, treatment and more.
EmpowHer Links
Health Topic Page: "Depression"
EmpowHER: Depression May Up Smoking Risk and Death
Expert Video: "Crystal Dwyer—Depression And Negative Thoughts, What Is The Connection?"
Share — "Blue Monday: Today-January 19th is the most Depressing Day of the Year"
HerArticle: Winter Blues: It Could be Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
HerArticle: Major Depressive Disorder: Severe and Long
General Depression
Mental Health America, 2007. "Breaking Down the Myths about Depression"
Mayo Clinic, Oct 2009. "Depression and Anxiety, Exercise Eases Symptoms
Mental Health America, "Fact Sheet: What to Do When Depression Enters a Relationship"
Latest Research
Medical News Today, Nov 22, 2009. "Women More Likely Than Men to Suffer Depression After a Stroke"
Holiday Blues
Pies, R. MD, Nov 18, 2009. "Holiday Blues, with Some Shades of Grey”
HealthDay News, Dec 2007. "Maintaining Routine Can Chase Holiday Blues Away"
Background on Holiday Blues
Mental Health America, "Fact Sheet: Holiday Depression and Stress"
Seasonal Affective Disorder (Winter Blues)
HealthDay, Oct 29, 2009. "Psychotherapy Beats Light Treatment for SAD"
Background on SAD
Mayo Clinic, Sept 2009. "Seasonal Affective Disorder"
Mayo Clinic, Oct 2008. "Light Therapy”
American Psychiatric Association, "Seasonal Affective Disorder"