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Monica Shares How Addiction Changed Her Priorities (VIDEO)

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Monica discusses how heroin addiction changed her priorities in life.

Well, I mean addiction itself is a priority. I mean, it’s a total priority. At that point neither of us were working, we couldn’t. Again, his family had a lot of money so unfortunately, his family kind of helped fund . . . they funded our drug use. You know, they thought they were helping us, but they really weren’t.

You know, everything is secondary to the drugs and really, I mean especially with heroin; heroin becomes your best friend. It doesn’t let you down, and it doesn’t talk back to you; doesn’t tell you what to do. I mean, that sort of thing, And it’s just–what it does is it breaks down your whole structure, your life structure. You know, you get out of your total routines. And again, you know, like I said, you just let everything go. You don’t take care of yourself because the drugs are the priority.

And it’s also about the chasing of the drugs, and I can remember even being in treatment, after being clean from the drugs, even months, it’s like I missed the streets and I was, I was addicted to that lifestyle and the excitement and the danger, because we were in danger a lot, and that’s something you really get addicted to is a lifestyle.

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