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How Is A Female's Sexual Desire Problem Diagnosed? - Dr. Giraldi (VIDEO)

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Dr. Giraldi shares how female sexual desire problems are diagnosed.

Dr. Giraldi:
My name is Annamaria Giraldi. I am a physician and M.D. and also a Ph.D. from the University of Copenhagen. Since medical school I have worked within sexology first with men with the erectile dysfunction and later on with women and female sexual dysfunction. And my special interest have been about women and the connection between diseases and sexual function as well as desire and how do we treat women with the desire problems and pharmacology. Is there a pharmacological treatment of, what kind of treatment can we offer women having sexual problems?

I think basically you talk to her. I think we have a lot of questionnaires and instruments trying to find out whether women have problems or not but I think they are mostly for research. So I think in a clinical situation you talk to her and you usually get the impression whether she has a desire problem or not because you will hear that she says she would like to have more desire and she will describe that she has very many difficulties in being sexually arouse having desire for having sex or thinking about sex, and she is also distressed by it.

And in the clinical situation you very often can find out is this something because she has the wrong expectation, does this means she has to have desire or is it because it’s the husband who has another attitude towards sex but I think in a clinical situation it’s not that difficult to find out when you talk to the women that they have a desire problem.

About Dr. Giraldi, M.D., Ph.D.:
Dr. Annamaria Giraldi, M.D., Ph.D., specializes in female sexual dysfunction. Her research interests include the connection between diseases and female sexual function, and the treatment of sexual desire problems in women.

Dr. Giraldi is associate editor for The Journal of Sexual Medicine. She is a member of the European Society for Sexual Medicine and the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health.

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