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Sex Postpartum

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One of the things most women dread after giving birth is sexual contact. After pushing out a baby you don't want to be touched anywhere in that area. You are thinking of the pain of childbirth, the fear of getting pregnant again, not to mention the fact that you haven’t had time to take a shower and there are so many house chores to do, plus the little one needs your attention all the time.

But what you have to remember is sex is not just a tool used for intimacy, love, and fun. Various studies have shown that you can burn lots of ,calories depending on the type of sex, and those who have sex regularly are less likely to catch colds.

So what do you do? How can you boost your immune system and stay physically fit even though you are terrified to go there again?

Here are a few things you can do to ease yourself back into sex. First, you can change your thoughts about it. Remind yourself of how good it was and how much you enjoyed it.

You can also try changing the location. Having sex in a different area besides on a bed can heighten the experience. If you need to, you can add lubricants to your sex life.

Sometimes nursing moms find it hard for their bodies to naturally lubricate, making the sexual experience a bit uncomfortable. There is nothing wrong with you,just your little one tends to leave no liquid for mommy. That’s why it is very important to drink water if you are nursing. There are various types of lubricants out there that can help. Find the one that works best for you and enjoy.

These are just a few tips that can help you get your sexual appetite back. If you find after using these tips you are still having trouble you may need to consult your physician to talk about some other issues that may be going on. Sex is pleasing and used to reproduce, but your sex life can also be an indicator of your health. For more information about lubricants, birth control, hormonal changes, or anything sexually related, seek the advice of your Obstetrician/Gynecologist.

I am a wife, mom and step-mom. I enjoy education and encouraging women to have a wonderful and less stressful life postpartum.


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EmpowHER Guest

Lelo Toys make some really nice products for women that might help some women get in the mood. Also the Lelo Luna Beads have the benefit of sexual stimulation combined with a pelvic floor work out. Insert the weighted beads and carry on with your day. That simple. That doesn't sound like too much hard work everyday! But try and keep the smile off you face!

March 27, 2009 - 5:41am
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