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5 Things You Should Know About Gum Grafting

By January 19, 2023 - 2:27am

Gums have several functions. They act as barriers to bacterial infection, support your teeth, and shield the delicate underlying dental structure. They take so many defensive measures that if they are weakened, an infection might spread quickly, resulting in severe gum disease. Fortunately, a gum graft surgery can help if this is the case.

What makes a gum graft so crucial? How does the process work, and when does a person need one? What should you do following the placement of your graft? Keep on reading to discover about that and more to help you maintain healthy, functional gums for years to come.

1. Why may someone need a gum graft?
A gum graft can be used to address gum recession. Gums are delicate tissues that may roll back if compromised by injury or infection. If this happens, they expose the incredibly sensitive tooth roots, resulting in extreme pain when you consume hot or cold foods or drinks.

If you don't follow proper dental hygiene, your gums may develop pockets of bacteria. Bacteria can build and penetrate the roots over time, eventually making their way all the way down to the jawbone and resulting in tooth loss. Periodontitis, a dangerous gum disease, is typically to blame for this.

During the gum graft surgery, your gums will be covered with tissue that has been removed from the mouth to address this. After that, the roots will be once more covered, lessening discomfort and halting bacterial development in its tracks.

2. What are the signs that gum graft may be the option for you?
Receding gums are the most common sign that you may need a graft. With your mouth opened, use your fingers to keep your lips in place. Get close to the mirror and inspect your teeth. If your teeth appear to be longer than before, this could be to gum recession. However, remain calm. You may also have receding gums if you brush your teeth too forcefully. Instead, you should brush using gentle, smooth motions and not overdo it.

You may also perform a test by drinking a glass of cold water first, followed by a hot beverage right away. While drinking, pay attention to how your teeth feel. You may have sensitive teeth as a consequence of receding gums.

A gum graft is frequently necessary for people with periodontitis to restore their damaged tissues. Periodontitis symptoms include your gums being swollen and bleeding often, as well as foul breath that doesn't go away with normal brushing. You should get treatment at a dentist's office as soon as possible if you experience any of these symptoms alone or in combination.

Periodontitis or gum recession may be difficult to detect. Ask your dentist to examine your gums during your routine visits. They could suggest a graft if they determine that your gums are receding excessively. Dentists that specialize in gum health are called periodontists. Your dentist could refer you to one for your graft procedure. Before getting a graft, you could also require treatment for an ongoing infection.

3. What is the gum graft procedure?
Gum grafting is a simple procedure. Sedatives will be used to ensure that you don't feel any pain or discomfort while the treatment is being done. Your gums might be numbed with a local anesthetic while you remain awake. Your dentist will next proceed to remove some tissue from your mouth. The kind of graft you receive will determine the sort of tissue you will use.

A gingival graft involves removing tissue from the roof of the mouth and implanting it where the gums have receded. Tissue from the mouth's roof flap is transplanted using a connected tissue transplant. A pedicle transplant is a procedure that replaces receding gum tissue with healthy gum tissue. If you don't have healthy tissue, you can have someone else's tissue transplanted into your mouth. This is an appropriate option for patients who have advanced gum disease.

4. How to care for your gums after the procedure?
After the procedure is finished, you are free to leave the dental office. You should have a friend or a family member take you home because your sedatives won't start to wear off for a few hours. Avoid contacting the treated area with your fingers or tongue. You can use an ice pack if your face is red and puffy.

Abstain from eating hard foods. Instead, choose softer meals like oatmeal and applesauce. You can begin introducing other, more solid meals after a few days. Spicy or hot foods should not be consumed since they may aggravate your healing gums. Additionally, you should avoid impact sports that might harm your graft.

5. What are the success rates?
Gum graft success rates are relatively high. You must adhere to your dentist's recommendations and keep an eye on your graft's healing process. You should visit your dentist right away if you experience symptoms of an infection, such as severe swelling, a fever, or pus. Swelling is a typical side effect, but if it significantly interferes with your life, consult your dentist.

You can get back to your regular activities once your graft has healed. Try your best to maintain a consistent dental hygiene regimen to prevent your gums from regressing.

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