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Dental Implants: Which Type Is Best for You

By May 7, 2024 - 3:01am

Would you wish to find a permanent way to replace your teeth? If so, you have come to the correct place!

In this blog, we will discuss three different types of dental implants that can be used to repair your smile.

Three different types of dental implants
1) A single dental implant
Unlike other restorations, a single-tooth dental implant replaces the complete missing tooth, from root to crown.

A single-tooth dental implant may be the best alternative if you have one or more missing teeth that are not neighboring.

Here's what to expect during the dental implant procedure:
1. You will meet with one of our dental implant experts (if you haven’t found one, search “dental implants near me”) to assess whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. If so, a personalized treatment plan will be developed.
2. The post will be inserted into your jawbone utilizing surgical technology. Because of anesthesia, you should not experience any pain throughout this treatment, and the doctor will ensure your comfort. The healing time for your post to fuse with your bone is usually three to four months.
3. Once healed, your new custom-designed crown is attached to your post via an abutment. Your new tooth will look and feel exactly like your other teeth.

If you have several missing teeth close together, the following form of dental implant may be less expensive.

2) An implant-supported bridge
An implant-supported bridge may be the best option when you have several missing teeth that are close together.

A bridge typically comprises two crowns on either side of the missing tooth gap, with an artificial tooth sandwiched between the crowns.

Instead of attaching crowns to teeth, an implant-supported bridge connects crowns to dental implants.

The procedure is similar to that for a single-tooth dental implant. However, dental implants will not replace teeth missing amid the gap.

The benefits of an implant-supported bridge include the ability to safely replace numerous lost teeth in a row without having to replace each tooth individually.

The disadvantage is that not all teeth will receive implants thus you will lose some bone mass.

What happens if most or all of your teeth are missing?

3) An implant-retain denture
An implant-retained denture may be the best solution if you are missing most or all of your teeth in an arch (upper or lower).

A denture is an artificial arch of teeth. It sits on your gumline and offers the illusion of a complete set of teeth. Traditional dentures have the disadvantage of being removable, which means they can slip, slide, click, and fall out, making daily activities such as eating and talking painful.

Dental implants can permanently anchor your denture, which solves this issue.

Your dentist will install four dental implants in your arch. While they heal, your existing denture may be changed to allow you to wear it without compromising the healing process.

Once recovered, you will be given a new, personalized denture that attaches to the dental implants. Consequently, you will have a permanent, secure denture for your facial features.

If you wear dentures, this could solve all your denture issues. And if you have a lot of missing teeth, this could be a great way to restore your smile and confidence.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants?
When a tooth is gone, the surrounding bone starts to degenerate. You need a particular amount of bone to fuse with the post. If you've been missing a tooth for a long time, you may not have enough bone to undergo dental implant surgery.

This is determined with a CBCT scanner. This cutting-edge technology provides a 3D image of your mouth and jawbone, allowing the dentist to assess the amount of bone present. If you have adequate bone, they will proceed with your treatment.

They can usually do a bone graft treatment if you don't have enough bone for dental implants. This technique can assist your body in regenerating bone and tissue. Once you have enough bone, you can proceed with the procedure.

Dental implants are most successful when placed in adults who have completed their growth and development.

If you are too young, you may need to wait until your facial structure matures. This is usually around 16 for girls and 18 for boys.

In the meantime, dentists can provide a temporary remedy for your missing tooth.

Like most other procedures, dental implant surgery requires good general and oral health. If you have diabetes, are a heavy smoker, or have gum disease, dental implants may not be a viable option.

Rest assured, our dentists will analyze you individually and, if necessary, collaborate with your physician to find a solution.

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