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Four Foods Good for Dental Health

By March 27, 2015 - 5:18am

Diet plays a large part in maintaining dental hygiene and health. Some foods can cause beneficial side effects to oral health and foods that can be potentially damaging when consumed in excess. When consuming sugars and starches, it’s necessary to do so in moderation or else bacteria can multiply. Bacteria feed off leftover food stuck between teeth and omit a substance that deteriorates teeth and smells unsavory. Eating foods that strengthen teeth and help protect against unwanted bacteria are important to include in one’s diet. This article written with the help of dentist in Huntington beach ca.

● Milk: It is fairly well known that calcium is an important tool in strengthening and building bones, especially for babies and young children. Milk and other calcium-rich foods not only help to maintain the quality and power of bones, but also that of teeth. Calcium helps to protect the teeth and gums making it an apt way to prevent gum disease. In addition to gums and teeth, calcium helps to support the jaw bone making the entire mouth stronger. When drinking milk, choosing 1 percent or skim milk is the best way to receive the best calcium payoff while 2 percent and whole milk contain some unhelpful, fattening ingredients.

● Cheese: Cheese, like milk, contains an abundance of teeth and jaw protecting calcium. In addition to being a helpful tool in strengthening teeth, cheese also helps to create more saliva. The mouth salivates while eating cheese which is important in maintaining the amount of bacteria in the mouth and help avoid serious dental issues like dry mouth or gum disease. The saliva in our mouths helps to prevent bacteria from growing, and while eating cheese, the pH level of the mouth goes up for a short time. This increase in pH level can be beneficial in preventing gum disease and getting rid of bad bacteria.

● Raisins: Raisins create a naturally high pH level and are assets in preventing bacteria from multiplying, just like cheese. Although raisins are sweet and filled with sugars, they are thought to be beneficial to teeth through causing more salivation and potentially protecting the teeth from decay. There is a chemical within raisins that is known to prevent plaque from forming and thus protect the teeth. Raisins use this chemical to help cavities and even tooth decay.

● Oranges: Oranges contain high amounts of vitamin C, which is used to strengthen body tissues and vessels. While eating oranges, the tissues and vessels in the gum become tougher and less susceptible to gum disease. Those who already have gum disease can benefit from eating oranges as this can help to lower the amount of swelling in the gums and slow down the growth of the disease. Vitamin C keeps the teeth from wiggling around by keeping the gums strong and in top shape. However, due the acid in oranges, it makes sense to combine them with foods that remove acid.

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