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Ischemic Colitis & Crohn's Disease

By October 31, 2011 - 9:59pm

I was recently hospitalized (Sept. '11) with vomiting, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain. They diagnosed it as Ischemic Colitis, but at my dr. appt. last week he said they did blood work for Crohn's Disease and IBS that came back positive for Crohn's. I also have acid reflux, gastroparisis and a hyatal hernia. I am already on so many medications and from what I read about Crohn's there is no real treatment. Has anyone dealt with this?

EmpowHER Guest
By Anonymous November 27, 2011 - 6:17pm

Hi Kali'sMom,

Welcome to EmpowHER.

Here are some tips to help with Crohn's Disease

  • Eat small amounts of food throughout the day.

  • Drink lots of water (drink small amounts often throughout the day).

  • Avoid high-fiber foods (bran, beans, nuts, seeds, and popcorn).

  • Avoid fatty, greasy or fried foods and sauces (butter, margarine, and heavy cream).

  • If your body does not digest dairy foods well, limit dairy products. Try low-lactose cheeses, such as Swiss and cheddar, and an enzyme product, such as Lactaid, to help break down lactose.

  • Avoid foods that you know cause you gas, such as beans, spicy food, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, raw fruit juices and fruits -- especially citrus fruits.

  • Here's a link that might be helpful on Crohn's Disease.

  • https://www.empowher.com/condition/crohns-disease



    November 27, 2011 - 6:17pm

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